Potager pour votre intérieur : 10 fruits et légumes à cultiver facilement dans son appartement

Vegetable garden for your home: 10 fruits and vegetables to grow easily in your apartment

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 0 min

Discover the indoor vegetable garden, this mini-garden to invite under the roof of your apartment, to grow organic, local and seasonal fruits and vegetables all year round!

Have you always dreamed of having a large garden to harvest seasonal fruits and vegetables, aromatic herbs or even bask in the shade of a large chestnut tree on hot summer days? Don't despair of making your outdoor dream come true, everything comes to the point who knows how to wait! And in the meantime, did you know that you can grow certain varieties of fruits and vegetables in the privacy of your apartment or on your balcony ? Discover the indoor vegetable garden , and grow your own organic, local and seasonal fruits and vegetables!

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