Les dessous de la culture hydroponique

The underside of the hydroponic culture

Written by: Célia Charles



Time to read 4 min

Often overlooked, sometimes decried, hydroponics is a remarkable method of culture in many ways. Based on a controlled environment, it guarantees abundant harvests and adapts to many environments. How does hydroponic culture work? What are its applications? Does it offer a solution to climate change? We tell you everything.

A definition of hydroponics

A landless culture system

Hydroponics, or hydroculture, is a above -ground production mode. The principle: to grow plants without land, using nutrients and a smart irrigation system.

In hydroponics, the earth is replaced by a substrate. Clay balls, sand, horticultural felt, pozzolan, coconut fiber, rock wool ... These elements must be inert and sterile, so that the root system stands straight.


Nutrients in hydroponics


In hydroponics, nutrients and minerals naturally present in the soil are replaced by a nutritional solution. This fertilizer must contain at least three minerals Indispensable for plant growth: nitrate, potassium and phosphorus.

Nutrients can be integrated into the substrate or directly diluted in water irrigation. In this case, plants draw the necessary nutrients according to their needs and their growth stage.


Nutrients in our vegetables

In Urban Cuisine vegetable gardens, nutrients are not injected into water, but available directly in the dose clod at the needs of each plant. A good way to simplify your experience as a hydroponic gardener!

Hydroponia in practice

The advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics culture


Among Aztecs, Peru or China ... Hydroponic culture has been adopted for centuries, around the world. Even today, it is used in farms of all sizes, but also among individuals.

And for good reason, its advantages are numerous:

    • A pesticide -free culture

In hydroponics, plants are cultivated in a healthy environment conducive to growth. Less vulnerable to parasites and diseases, they do not require chemical or pesticides.


    • Water savings

In hydroponics, we can control precisely watering, and thus save natural resources and money: 75 to 90 % less water than in traditional agriculture!


    • Rapid growth

Control of germination, flowering and fruiting allows plants to push more quickly.


    • Abundant harvests

Fruits and vegetables feed on the mineral salts they need and offer regular harvests.


    • Quality fruits and vegetables

Thanks to optimal cultivation conditions, fruits and vegetables grown in hydroponics keep all their flavors and benefits.


    • Place gain

In places where agricultural space is limited, hydroponics is an interesting option, since cultures can be considered vertically.



Nevertheless, certain large -scale hydroponic systems consume a lot of electricity To control irrigation, heat and LED light. This is not the case with our vegetable gardens, whose electricity consumption is minimal thanks to work on electronic components.


On a large scale, the rejection of water enriched with fertilizers can also disrupt natural ecosystems. Again, this does not concern Urban Cuisine vegetable gardens!


The uses of hydroponics culture


Indoor and outdoors, there are many uses of hydroponics. This culture system can meet a need forAgricultural expansion, in regions where drought ranges and where fertile land is insufficient. LOptimized irrigation offers a new way of growing fruits and vegetables, without drawing on the reserves of nature.


Another use of hydroponics: theurban agriculture. For relocate food production, vegetate Centers and Cultivate in built spaces, hydroponics is the solution. Coupled with permaculture techniques, it offers the possibility of finding a Healthy eating, without use of pesticides. It is on this model that our vegetable gardens are based!


Finally, the hydroponic culture has developed strongly in the second half of the twentieth century for the production of fruits, vegetables and flowers out of season. A large -scale model that is the subject of many criticisms, especially because it is not always thought of while respecting the environment.


Liv and Amo, healthy and environmentally friendly harvests

Our vegetable gardens were designed to offer optimal cultivation conditions to your plantations. In addition to the absence of pesticides and chemical inputs, the use of water is limited and minimal electricity consumption. In addition to producing locally from organic seeds, you avoid transporting and packaging. Products in France with sustainable materials, our vegetable gardens respect the standards of theeco conception.

Hydroponic culture, a solution for tomorrow?

Innovations in hydroponics


Several derivatives have emerged in recent years, with the aim of Reproduce the Earth Earth ecosystem while preserving the environment.

This is the case with the biopony. Unlike conventional hydroponics, this system uses organic fertilizers Like lumbric tea, manure or even oxygenated compost tea. Nutrients are not sterile and bacteria and microorganisms can develop there.

Another innovation: theaquaponics. Fusion of aquaculture and hydroponics, it brings together plants and aquatic animals in a closed system conducive to plant growth. THE waste produced by fish are used as a nutritious source by plants, which maintains a healthy environment for fish.



Why hydroponics will not replace traditional agriculture

On a large scale, hydroculture is not intended to replace traditional agriculture. If it alone proves that it is possible to produce without land, it should not encourage the decrease in agricultural land, which constitute a rare and necessary resource for preserve biodiversity And feed humanity.

On the other hand, hydroponic culture constitutes a virtuous solution, in particular in the face of the challenges represented by soil pollution And The absence of water. Hydroponic systems are adapted to all environments, in rural areas as in urban areas. Water is recycled and reused thanks to closed circuit. This is how in North Africa or in overseas territories, hydroponics is increasingly present to counter climatic disruptions where the pollution caused by intensive agriculture or industry.

On an individual scale, it offers a good tool for Obtain tasty crops in ultra-short circuit, without pesticides, and without worrying about the vagaries of the weather.


Discover the vegetable vegetable patch