Oh non, il semblerait que votre panier soit vide...
Learn more about... your Parsley Plant

Discover all our tips and tricks to take care of your Chive plant and thus enjoy it for as long as possible!
Rule #1
La Motte de Ciboulette develops very well in sunny and semi-sunny areas.
Rule #2
The Chive Plant resists very well to the cold , so you can leave it on your balcony or window sill all year round!
Rule #3
Chives can be toxic to cats so be careful if you have one (or more)!
Rule #4
Cut the flowers as soon as they appear so as not to tire your Plant unnecessarily! Once a month, trim the sprigs to 5cm from the base to help your Plant regenerate and enjoy your Chives longer!

Rule #5
Do not hesitate to wait until the Motte is dry on the surface to water your plant again , the important thing is never to water the Plant too much because the bulb of the Chives is sensitive!