Common Rosemary
Common Rosemary
Common Rosemary
Common Rosemary
Common Rosemary
14 to 21 days
6 weeks
600 grams
Common Rosemary Common Rosemary Common Rosemary Common Rosemary

Common Rosemary

The Provencal
If you've ever been to the Mediterranean, you'll have seen it growing all around you. You guessed it, it's Rosemary, that beautiful, aromatic, bushy shrub. Rich in vitamin C, thiamine and riboflavin, rosemary has many health benefits.
Plus vous achetez, plus vous économisez ! 

How to cook it?

A little extra to shine



The chefs recommend:

See all our varieties
Mini Pepper
Mini Pepper
9 weeks 800 grams
Cherry Tomato
Cherry Tomato
8-10 weeks 500 grams
Wild Strawberry
Wild Strawberry
8-10 weeks 600 grams
Common Verbena
Common Verbena
3 weeks 400 grams
Giant Winter Spinach
Giant Winter
5 weeks 600 grams
5 weeks 500 grams
See all our varieties

Our 3-in-1 Growing Pod, gardening made easy

  • A range of tasty varieties
  • A clean experience
  • Pesticide and GMO-free

Natural substrate

To guarantee perfect germination

Adapted nutrients

To meet the specific needs of each plant

Top-quality seeds

Selected with professional seed producers

Approved by numerous chefs and hundreds of customers

"Urban Cuisine vegetable gardens provide bountiful harvests, the micro-greens are delicious and ready in just a few days"

Maximilien Kuzniar, owner of Mano Restaurant

Discover our vegetable gardens

Approved by numerous chefs and hundreds of customers

"The diversity of varieties to be grown in the vegetable garden is very interesting to cook our recipes from all over the world".

Mama Kanista, Cheffe

Discover our vegetable gardens

Approved by numerous chefs and hundreds of customers

"The Urban Cuisine indoor vegetable garden guarantees fresh harvests. It's of major importance in my recipes!"

Alexandre Marchon, TopChef

Discover our vegetable gardens

Approved by numerous chefs and hundreds of customers

"It's beautiful, it's good, it works really well, I love it".

Merouan Bounekraf, TopChef and owner of Panade

Discover our vegetable gardens
Discover our vegetable gardens

How do our vegetable gardens work?


Order the varieties of your choice in just one click!


Install your Growing Pods according to our recommendations.


Enjoy new harvests every day.


Up to 3 kilos of fresh fruit and vegetables a month!

+ 10,000 Growing Pods planted since 2021

See all reviews

Qu’est-ce que le romarin officinal ?

Le romarin officinal ou Rosmarinus Officinalis est une vivace
aromatique et médicinale. Dans la nature, ce sous-arbrisseau touffu peut atteindre 200 cm de haut. Il se caractérise par des feuilles étroites et des fleurs bleu clair qui apparaissent de mars à mai. Plante mellifère, le romarin attire les abeilles au potager ou au jardin.

D’où vient le romarin officinal ?

Le romarin officinal est une plante commune dans les pays méditerranéens où il pousse à l’état sauvage. Dans l’Antiquité, les
Grecs l’utilisaient comme couronne lors de certaines fêtes.

Quels sont les bienfaits du romarin officinal ?

Les bienfaits du romarin
sont nombreux. Il est utilisé pour améliorer la circulation sanguine, soulager les ballonnements, stimuler le système digestif, décongestionner les voies
respiratoires et favoriser l’élimination de l’eau par les reins.

Need answers?

Joséphine, our co-founder, answers all your questions on our online chat from 9am to 6pm

Don't want to choose?

Don't want to choose?

Aneth Tetra Gold + Thym Commun + Verveine Officinale + Basilic Citron + Menthe Verte + Sauge Officinale + Basilic Cannelle + Cerfeuil Commun

All-you-can-eat Veggies
All-you-can-eat Veggies

Mini Carotte + Pak Choi Arax + Mini Poivron + Radis Rond + Côte de Blette + Tomate Cerise + Pak Choï Commun + Épinard Géant d'Hiver

The Mixology
The Mixology

Basilic Cannelle + Basilic Citron + Shiso Vert + Menthe Verte + Basilic Grand Vert + Romarin Officinal + Verveine Officinale + Aneth Tetra Gold

Pasta Lover
Pasta Lover

Origan Commun + Tomate Cerise + Basilic Grand Vert + Romarin Officinal + Persil Frisé + Thym Commun + Sauge Officinale + Ciboulette Commune

Don't want to choose?

Our two indoor vegetable gardens

Amo, made for kitchens

The size of an oven

Liv, made for living-rooms

Suitable for any interior

A connected vegetable garden at your fingertips

Free and easy download from stores

Real-time harvest monitoring

Personalised growing advice

Tous les mois, les Mottes de votre choix, directement chez vous.

Un abonnement simple, sans engagement et personnalisable pour profiter de nouvelles saveurs tous les mois.

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    Choisissez les Mottes de votre choix, tous les mois
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    Sans engagement, résiliation facile à tout moment
  • 3
    Livraison offerte en France Métropolitaine
  • 4
    Tarif avantageux : -30% par rapport à l’achat unitaire
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in France

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