Velouté de Mâche à Grosses Graines

Cream of lamb's lettuce with large seeds

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 0 min

Change up the salad a bit with URBAN CUISINE's Velouté of Large-Grained Lamb's lettuce recipe.

• 150g of Large-Seed Lamb's Lettuce
• 1 potato
• 1 stock cube
• 1 bouquet garni
• 30g of butter
• Salt and pepper

• Cut the potato
• Brown the lamb's lettuce, the potato with butter
• Add the broth with 1L of water and the bouquet garni
• Salt and pepper
• Leave to cook for 20 minutes then remove the bouquet garni
• Mix with a blender
• Serve hot

Good tasting !