Comment bouturer le Thym : nos conseils et tuto

How to cut thyme: our advice and tutorial

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 2 min

We give you our best advice here to succeed in thyme cutting.

Thyme is one of the aromatic plants frequently used in southern cuisine, like rosemary, which brings a touch of sun to your homemade dishes and which does not require a Too difficult interview. You can easily grow Organic common thyme With our crop clod, in the connected interior vegetable garden, in a cork pot or in the balcony.Cutting your thyme will allow you to obtain young shoots of aromatic plants.

The best time of year to Make the cutting of your thyme is located at the time just after flowering, or by July August If the sowing was carried out in early spring.
Here we present you cutting tips for your thyme to get young thyme plants easily.


Selection and sampling of thyme cuttings


This is the first step. Choose thyme cuttings of about 10 to 15 cm. Cut stems from your aromatic plant Using a pruner. With your fingers, detach the leaves, even the flowers, ofAbout 1/3 of the length of the cutting.

For the next step, you can proceed in three different ways, as desired:


BitUer your thyme in pots:


You can prick your thyme cuttings even in a Large pot or in terrine.

  • In the pot, have the breeding ground or garden soil mixed with sand. In case your pot does not have enough holes to ensure drainage, you can add a gravel on the pot of the pot before placing the substrate.

  • Start making small holes in your floor using a small stick, spacing them 2 or 3 cm. You can now drive your thyme cuttings into it, on the third party you have previously removed the leaves and any thyme flowers.

  • All around the cutting, tamper with your fingers so that it is held straight Then Sprinkle the soil.

  • Once this step has been done, you can place your thyme in pots Wind shelter. You can possibly put a plastic bag on top for a muffled cutting.



Place thyme cuttings in the ground:


  • To cut the thyme in the open ground, choose a corner Rather safe from the sun. Prepare the floor well for your thyme cuttings by weeding and airing the earth.

  • As with the previous step, prick your thyme cuttings in your garden. This time you can take up more space and space your thyme stems a little more.

  • For this stage, Now cover the cuttings From thyme to earth with a bell, a chassis with a plastic sheet.

  • Keep the floor of your fresh thyme cuttings by airing if necessary and regularly sprinkle your plants. Be careful that the leaves do not take the water.



Cutting the thyme by placing the stems in a glass of water


If you have very not a lot of place, that you don't have a pot and no soil, this technique allows you to cut thyme despite everything.

  • After selecting thyme stems and eliminated the leaves and possible flowers of about a third of the stem, Immerse your thyme cuttings in a glass of water

  • With this cutting method, the roots are formed in 2 months at least.

  • Place your plants cold -shelled With a frame or a tunnel during the first winter.

  • When spring arrives, remove shelters and Cut the cuttings in half To allow plants to develop their foliage.

  • Finally, in the spring or in the fall it is time for your young thyme shoots to be installed in their place.



In any case, in order to ensure beautiful future cuttings, discover our crop of common thyme culture. A 3-in-1 capsule which allows you to easily cultivate a pretty thyme plant, indoors or outdoors thanks to its compacted soil, its nutrients dosed according to the needs of the species and perfectly dosed seeds, of French origin and labeled organic farming.