Design du Potager Liv : rencontre avec le studio Fritsch+Durisotti

Design of Potager Liv: meeting with the Fritsch+Durisotti studio

Written by: Joséphine Thebault



Time to read 3 min


What would be an object without the know-how of his designer? When you embark on the manufacture of a product, its design is as essential as its operation! At Urban Cuisine, we have chosen to work with the creation studio Fritsch+Durisotti, whose methods and values ​​correspond to us. Back on our meeting and on the steps necessary to create the design of the Pog.


Urban Cuisine Design

First steps in the Fritsch+Durisotti universe

Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, on the banks of the Seine, in premises bathed in light. From the reception, the visitor is immersed in a creative atmosphere. It is "the clean workshop", which houses sewing machines and 3D printers with, on the wall, an extraordinary bicycle. welcome to Studio Fritsch+Durisotti ! This global design and industry studio, created by three designers and engineers, works with various customers, in the areas of luxury, mobility or furniture. "What drives us is the creation of virtuous products, which are based on natural materials and last in time" Present Vivien, studio partner.

This place, Joséphine and Antoine, co -founders of Urban Cuisine, first discovered it in videoconference, during a first exchange with Thierry, one of the three partners. "" "We had planned to work with another team of designers, but she was already on contract with one of our competitors, Indicates Joséphine. Fritsch+Durisotti was then recommended to us, and the current passed right away!"Mues by an enthusiasm and common values, the two teams decide to move forward together in the design of the Loter vegetable patch.

 "It was the first time that we worked with designers. It was impressive to see that they already had tracks in mind, from the first exchange. ”

Their creative response to the design of the vegetable garden liv

We are in March 2020. If the prototype of the poge tree liv is functional, it looks like a vulgar musical instrument box. “We had to go from this basic object to a real furniture with a sober and unique design, to be integrated into an urban apartment”, says Joséphine. Many constraints await designers. First, the weight: the connected vegetable garden must be easily transportable. Electronics, the opening of the door or the choice of sustainable materials are also technical specificities on which they must rely.



“Our design study was done in several phases. The first was to create different avenues to submit to the startup to make it validate a scenario ” explains Vivien. During the second physical meeting, Joséphine and Antoine discover a table filled with vegetable gardens as aesthetic as each other.


 “They had even thought of a vegetable vegetable garden, to assemble yourself. We had to refine our criteria, weigh the pros and cons to orient themselves naturally towards the version we know today. "

An obvious collaboration for the design of the vegetable garden

By iteration, the designers create the vegetable garden which meets the criteria of the startup. "" "With each novelty, we submitted the prototype to Joséphine and Antoine. All technical, use, materials have been seen together, in a logic of co-creation.




It must be said that the two companies share common values. Studio Fritsch+Durisotti did not hesitate a second before accepting the Urban Cuisine project. “It is an ambitious and meaningful project. Cooking healthy products at home all year round, what promise! The startup has chosen 100 % French manufacturing, with an appetite for theeco conception. This motivation made our whole team want to surpass themselves! ” On the side of Urban Cuisine, the evidence was there too. Before the start of the collaboration, Joséphine remembers having discovered with admiration various objects created by the design studio.


"There were only objects that I love. I immediately hung on their universe, and immediately knew that you had to work together. "

Discover the vegetable vegetable


Back in the present. Through the glass roof, you can see another workshop, the one where wood, metals and photo are worked. Upstairs, the offices, where “it is gamberge”. The team tells us that in general rule, it quickly goes from the creation part to the first prototypes, in a sort of ping-pong between the two. This is Fritsch+Durisotti DNA: put your know-how in practice, until a remarkable product or a memorable experience is obtained. This trademark, it allowed him to create Liv, a functional and innovative vegetable garden, with harmonious lines and lasting materials. Very soon, it will be the turn of the vegetable garden cook, the interior vegetable garden for professionals. But that's another story !