Comment cultiver la ciboulette en pot en intérieur ?

How to grow chives in pots indoors?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 6 min


List of characteristics of chives:

  • Type: aromatic
  •  Family: Alliaceae
  • Origin: Mediterranean basin, Southeast Asia and South America
  • Season: March to October
  • Green color
  • Flavor: sweet

Chives are an aromatic herb whose stem and flower can be used as a condiment . It must be eaten raw , freshly cut, because if you cook the chives, all its flavors will disappear.

Discover our tips on caring for the chive plant and start growing your chives in pots at home, directly indoors, in your kitchen or living room, without a balcony or garden, even if you don't have a green thumb.

Your organic chive crop will spend both spring and winter in your indoor vegetable garden !

Exposure bright room or windowsill
watering regular watering at first, reduce frequency later
Harvest as needed ; cut the stems at ground level

List of chive varieties:

  • Allium schoenoprasum: up to 60 cm tall, evergreen
  •  Allium tuberosum or Chinese chives: up to 50 cm in height, deciduous foliage
  • Allium fistulosum or common spring onion: up to 40 cm in height, deciduous foliage.

Where to place your pot of chives?

The great advantage of having your chive plant in a pot directly in your house or apartment is that you will not have to worry about the season in which to grow your chives, you can do it throughout the season. year !

potted organic chives Indeed, unlike some aromatic herbs, chives do not require exposure to direct sunlight . Such exposure could even cause your chive stems to turn yellow, so prefer exposure between sun and partial shade.

If the plant has direct sunlight, it's important to water it enough to keep the soil moist . Place the pot near a window to give your plant the best development possible.

The ideal temperature for chives is 15° but can withstand an indoor temperature. You should therefore be able to enjoy it all year round, and keep your footing from one year to the next!

How to plant chives?

Get chive seeds that you are sure of the origin. You can go to a garden center or on the internet to select among the varieties of chive seeds, those you want to plant. If you decide to go online, make sure you get the best seeds. 

Chives need nutrient-rich soil to grow in the best conditions. Remember to plant your seeds in good, well-drained soil . Again, you can find this soil in garden centers or on the internet. Choose between using a universal soil or a soil specific to aromatic plants which will be more optimized in nutrients.

Before filling your pot three-quarters full of soil, moisten the soil with water . Once you have your moist potting soil, fill the pot three-quarters full with it . If you're using a pot with a hole in the bottom to drain the water, consider placing a saucer under your pot to prevent water from leaking all over the place.

You can also turn to a simpler pot without a hole, like our cork pot , perfect for indoors and to have several aromatic plants. You just have to be careful not to overwater it! Of course, the larger the pot , the more the plant will be able to develop and the more you will be able to have a substantial harvest. 

Arrange a few seeds in a hole you make with your finger. It is important to plant several seeds in a single pot , to ensure that there is germination. You won't need to push the seeds too deep, on the contrary! Do not bury them under more than one cm of soil. Once you have your seeds placed in your hole, cover them with a little soil, 5mm will be more than enough to protect the seeds and promote their germination. Then spray the soil with water to slightly moisten the surface of the pot.

You can also directly acquire a chive root ball with the seeds and nutrients optimized for the growth of the plant.

It's a solution that will make your life easier, especially if you're just starting out and don't have a green thumb! Combine this with our cork pot and growing chives has never been easier!

During the germination phase, it is important not to plant and grow chives in full sun because they are too sensitive to its rays . The soil in which the chive seeds are located must always be moist.

While, during its adult phase, it can be exposed to the sun. On the other hand, once adult , chives no longer like humidity, watering should be done only when the root ball becomes dry.

8 to 12 days later you should be able to see your seeds germinate, the first stems after 1 month. Advice for you: cut the flowers as soon as they start to appear, in order to stimulate the growth of the plant. The time it takes to germinate will depend on the amount of sun, temperature and water the seeds have received. Don't be in a hurry, it takes time! Just make sure the soil stays moist and you have enough light coming through.

How to grow your plant?

It is important to water your plants well to maintain fresh soil , so water as soon as the soil is dry. When the plant is still at the beginning of its growth, it will be necessary to give water to the plant more regularly, without either drowning it because the plants are not fish! Thereafter, moderate watering every few days should be enough to keep your plant hydrated.

As a general rule, water your chive plant as soon as the soil dries out to keep it moist . Water it about twice a week . The water must be poured at the foot of the plant and not on the stems! By aiming directly at the soil, the bulbs will be able to properly absorb water.

If you're growing multiple plants in a single pot, be sure to let your plants breathe when they're about 10cm tall. This means spacing chive plants at least 6 inches apart to allow them room to grow properly. To space the plants, you will have to uproot one very carefully and decide whether to replant it further in the pot if space permits or place it in another pot directly.

Once your chive plant is about 15cm tall, you can start pruning it. To do this, aim for the top of the plant with sharp scissors. Pruning the plant helps promote the growth of chive stems. It is an action that you can repeat every two weeks.

If your chive plant is wilting and seems to be a little soft, it is often because the plant lacks water and needs to be watered. Do not water too much at once, it should not be drowned in addition. Wait until the water you just poured is absorbed before watering more. Place the plant in the shade for a while and remove the dead stems to allow the plant to start on a healthy footing.

How to harvest chives?

potted organic chives

Harvest your chive leaves before they begin to flower as this is when the leaves are in their best shape. So eliminate the flowers if your plant has started to flower to concentrate the plant on leaf growth. You can cut the stems directly to eat or freeze them. We advise you not to pick more than a third of the mint stalks at one time. If you decide to cut the stems, be sure to cut the stems all the way to the base when harvesting (size about 3-5cm from the ground). Harvest 3-4 times in the first year. In subsequent years, trim the plants monthly. It is best to harvest according to your needs , aromatic herbs and fine herbs grow quickly, which should allow you to always have some available. Harvesting the sprouts as you go also helps retain all the flavor and fragrance, which isn't always the case when storing them. You can, however , freeze the stems in an airtight bag , this is a very common technique for storing chives.

Caution: dried chives lose their flavor. Store chives in a cool place in a resealable container.

You now know everything about potted chives. Visit the URBAN CUISINE blog if you want to discover lots of recipe ideas with the chives you have harvested!

potted organic chives