Que faire au potager en hiver ?

What to do in the vegetable garden in winter?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 6 min

  1. Prepare your outdoor vegetable garden for winter
  2. Prepare your interior vegetable garden for winter
  3. What plants harvest in winter?
  4. What varieties to plant in winter?


Gardener at heart, you wait every year patiently that winter gives way to the spring to resume your favorite hobby. And if you used this season to pamper your vegetable garden and the Prepare for the next harvests!


Take care of the vegetable garden, reorganize it, sow the first seeds ... There are so many tasks to do while waiting for sunny days.


Discover our tips to guarantee quality harvests even after the winter break!


Prepare your outdoor vegetable garden for winter



From the start of winter, you will have to spend a few moments in your garden to make sure the vegetable garden is ready to support severe weather and the cold. This requires substantial work upstream and a few steps to follow!

First, it is essential to collect the latest fruit and vegetable crops of the season. So you can enjoy chewed up, of radish and cabbage for a few months. We advise you to put the products well sheltered to protect them from cold and frost and thus keep them. You can easily put them in the backkitchen of your home or apartment Or freeze them!

It is just as important to good weed Your vegetable garden. It is recommended to take care to uproot the weeds, to tear off all the dead plants and to remove all the damaged products which could later shelter diseases damaging the vegetable patch.

After weeding, you will have to to feed Earth. We recommend that you come and get the ground and then put compost. This step makes it possible to renew the earth and make it able to receive new sowing and seeds and to guarantee harvests at the beginning of the summer.

If you do not wish to plant or sow varieties during this period, you will then be necessary to protect the already existing cultures. You may notably use the mulch To isolate the feet of your plants from the cold. The mulch can be done using dead leaves, manure and cardboard depending on the equipment you have at home!

For the most sensitive varieties you want to continue growing in winter, it will be imperative to draw up a winter sail above the plantation to protect it as much as possible. You can also do it yourself using plastic tarpaulins or bags and elastics.

While waiting to be able to plant new plants, it's time to think of reorganize His vegetable garden! From a practical point of view first, you can think about restructuring your vegetable garden, for simpler access to harvests for example, and preparing the right work. Depending on the size of your garden, this is the right time to decide to expand your vegetable garden in order to grow more varieties!

You can also think about new varieties to plant to vary the pleasures!


Prepare your interior vegetable garden for winter


Winter cork pot

The advantage of having an interior vegetable garden You will have less precautions to take so that your cultures survive cold and bad weather! However, you have to pay attention to several factors.

First, the heating Can make air dry and impact cultures. Indeed, if you decide not to cultivate anything in winter, it is very possible that you find your land dry and impossible to work on spring. Regarding the plants collected in winter, some needhumidity To push well, hence the need to regularly monitor the state of the vegetable garden, the earth and the plants.

Another factor that can make it difficult to cultivate your products is their need in natural light. Indeed, in autumn As in winter, days shortened and the intensity of the sun decreases ... However, the majority of plants require regular exposure to daylight.

Thus, it is essential to prepare well if you want to achieve or keep An interior vegetable garden even in winter.

You can easily create a small winter interior vegetable garden with little equipment.

First of all, you can opt for germs to grow directly into a pot. It is very simple to germinate seeds of fruits and vegetables since they require very little light and thus grow very well in winter. You can then quickly enjoy fresh products

You can also decide to sow seeds In potting soil, in pots or in a balcony. They will have to be exposed more to light compared to germs. Place them on a window edge will be sufficient. This time, you can harvest the first shoots a few weeks after their planting.


Depending on the space dedicated to your interior vegetable garden and your gardening expertise, you can also choose products already prepared To guarantee quality crops.


Urban Cuisine notably offers you Crop clods organic already sown to plant in a Cork pot or a Balcony. The crop clod allows you to cultivate a plant Fruits, vegetables or aromatic herbs all year round, even in winter. The plant growth is optimized thanks to the nutrients and vegetable fibers that make up the crop clod.



If you are looking to bring a refined touch to your interior, a duo or one trio of Cork will be perfect. For a more industrial but just as discreet style, the Balcony, accompanied by its two clods of culture, will be ideal!



For those who prefer to turn to indoor gardening to benefit from many varieties all year round, Urban Cuisine has created a interior garden in the form of Connected interior vegetable garden and customizable ! With its twenty plants to be cultivated simultaneously, this vegetable garden will suit the most gourmet!


Made of natural wood, it is perfectly incorporated into all interiors. You will not have to have fears about a possible lack of light or water since all the parameters of the vegetable garden such as watering, temperature or humidity are automated and optimized to guarantee the growth of your plants .



What plants harvest in winter?


For the most part, sown from the start of summer, the fruits and vegetables that you can harvest in winter are many! It will be necessary to harvest them well before the temperatures decrease.


In December, winter just begins! You can then harvest All kinds of cabbage : cauliflower, Brussels cabbage, white or green cabbage ... and also parsnips, turnips, and pumpkins to make soups and velvety for the whole family!


On the fruit side, you can very generously appreciate apples, oranges, pears but also exotic fruits such as kiwi and papaya if you have had the chance to sow their seeds! If there are little fruit in winter, you can still decline them in many various and varied recipes.

In January as in February, you can harvest broccoli, spinach, chewed up, leeks, crosne and cabbage!

To learn more about seasonal products, you can consult our Seasons !



What varieties to plant in winter?


To take advantage of seasonal products, it is important to plant and of to harvest varieties timely. We therefore advise you to hold a planning of your plantations and harvests.


In December, you can sow some varieties in the ground directly such as chard and rhubarb. More fragile plants like garlic will have to be sown under a shelter.


Organic Pot winter chives


At the beginning of the year, you can plant aromatic plants such as the chive, THE thyme and tarragon. We will have to wait for the low temperatures to Plant sowing of parsley And of chervil, which are plants needing cold to germinate.

In February, you can sow many varieties! Under a shelter, eggplant, celery, chili, poppy and tomato can be sown.

You can make the first harvests of these varieties from the beginning of spring! Depending on your desires, you can taste them in fresh products, dry or freeze them. If you have no more ideas of good dishes to prepare, do not hesitate to consult our recipes!

To optimize your plantations in winter, we recommend that you consult our maintenance advice on our blog!