Mojito Menthe Verte

Green Mint Mojito

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 0 min

In order to celebrate the end of the week or the holidays as it should be, here is the recipe for our mojito , prepared with our fresh Green Mint to be able to enjoy it all year round!

For 4 mojitos:


  • 8 cl of white rum
  • 12 mint leaves
  • 0.5 L sparkling water
  • 4cl cane sugar syrup
  • 2 limes
  • Shattered ice


  • Knife
  • Cocktail muddler


  • Place the spearmint leaves in four glasses without tearing them
  • Cut the limes in half and then each half into 6 small pieces
  • Put 6 pieces of lemon in each glass
  • Add 1cl of cane sugar syrup in each glass (putting syrup avoids smelling crystals during tasting)
  • Crush the mixture until the lemon is well crushed
  • Add the ice up to 3cm from the top of the glass (the more ice you put, the slower it will melt)
  • Add 2 cl of rum per glass
  • Top up with sparkling water
  • Mix the cocktail to bring out the flavors
  • Serve and enjoy!


Cheers !