Our Growing Pods

Plant substrate. Bountiful harvests. Exceptional flavors.

Receive your Growing Pods and plant them directly inside your vegetable garden.

All our varieties

Découvrez toutes nos variétés : fruits, légumes, herbes aromatiques et micro-pousses.

From seed to plate

The shortest circuit of all, at home.

Non-transformed seeds, no pesticides.
Rare, old varieties with compact and dense harvests
Nutrients suitable for all growth phases
Natural and local substrate, made from abundant resources

Urban Cuisine answers all your questions


What is a Growing Pod?

It's a small 3-in-1 plant fiber cylinder that includes a substrate, nutrients optimized to the needs of each variety and seeds. It's from the Growing Pod that our varieties develop.

Does indoor growing alter the taste of varieties?

Taste is extremely important to us, which is why we created Urban Cuisine. It's a job we do upstream of our varieties' sale, thanks to the contribution of nutrients adapted to the needs of each plant. As a result, the taste of the fruit and vegetables grown in your Urban Cuisine indoor vegetable garden is in no way altered or bland, quite the opposite!

How it works

Are there any incompatible varieties?

There are no mutually incompatible varieties, however, some varieties can slow down the growth of others depending on their positioning (by hiding light, for example). To place your plants correctly and get the best yields, we recommend you download our mobile app.

Are available varieties processed?

No! Our varieties are carefully selected by our expert horticulturists and seed growers and adapted to our indoor growing conditions.

Are our Growing Pods compatible with the outdoors?

Yes! However, growth times may be extended and will therefore not correspond to those indicated on our website, valid only for growing inside our Liv and Amo vegetable gardens.

How long can I use my Growing Pod for?

It all depends on the variety. Our Growing Pods are single-use because of the nutrients it contains. For fruit and vegetables, the Growing Pod is changed just after harvest. For aromatic herbs, the Growing Pod can be used for up to 6 months (as long as your aromatic herb is growing, there's no need to change the Growing Pod!).


How quickly can I harvest fruit, vegetables and herbs from my vegetable garden?

It all depends on the variety. For aromatic herbs, you can enjoy the first harvests after 2 weeks. For fruits and vegetables, allow 1 to 2 months.

How many kilos of harvest can I get from my indoor vegetable garden?

Our Liv vegetable garden allows you to harvest up to 3 kilos of fruit, vegetables and herbs per month.

Are harvest volumes likely to overflow my vegetable garden?

No! Harvests within the vegetable garden are certainly abundant, but compact to be suitable for growing inside our vegetable garden.

How do I know when to harvest my varieties?

Our connected mobile app alerts you when it's time to harvest your varieties.

My Growing Pod isn't growing, what can I do?

Some varieties are lazier than others, so don't hesitate to wait a little if the first leaves haven't appeared yet. In case of persistent problems, write to us directly through the Urban Cuisine mobile app or on the chatbot on our website.

Subscription and Delivery

How long does it takes to receive my Growing Pods?

Our Growing Pods are delivered in 3 to 5 business days.

Why subscribe?

Our subscription offers several advantages:

1) Reduction in the unit price of each Growing Pod from 6€ to 3€

2) Assurance of enjoying the full potential of the vegetable garden all year round

3) Free delivery

4) Access to exclusive varieties

Livraison rapide

En 3 à 5 jours en France métropolitaine

Garantie 2 ans

Standard électroménager

Paiement sécurisé

Visa, Mastercard et Paypal

Fabrication française

Partenaires de confiance