design écologique

6 tips for experimenting with ecological design

Written by: Claire Guichard



Time to read 3 min

Ecological design, or eco design, has developed in recent years against environmental challenges. Characterized by the use of natural materials, recyclable or from sustainable materials, it bets to combine the beautiful, the useful and the responsible. We thus see a range of industrial products manufactured locally and in compliance with working conditions.


Do you want to participate in this trend? To get useful and aesthetic objects while limiting your environmental impact? Follow our 6 tips to experiment with ecological design!


1 - Cess to overconsum


With ecological design, and more particularly theeco conception, environmental protection is integrated throughout the product life cycle, from design to end of life. More and more designers and major brands say they are ready to consider this environmental approach On flagship pieces from their collection.


However, the current model remains based on volume. The design market is partly responsible for deforestation, with Invasive production methods and often non -existent recycling solutions. As a consumer, we have the power toact for sustainable development, by avoiding overconsomer and choosing durable and eco-responsible objects.


2 - Ecological design: promote wood


Wood is there privileged natural resource ecological design. For your decoration or your everyday objects, choose Biodegradable wood Or from sustainably managed forests. For example, opt for oak or chestnut, which undergo less treatment than other essences. Bamboo is also eco-friendly : With its rapid growth, it is exploited without jeopardizing its ecosystem. Avoid exotic woods, which participate in the scarcity of certain species such as eucalyptus.


For the design of Patch liv, we chose a Compact laminate, highly produced locally based on paper sheets. Adapted to intensive uses and humidity, it benefits fromEcolabels And has not undergone any polluting treatment.


Wood ecological design

3 - Choose floor coverings and natural walls


Do you renovate your apartment? Not always easy to choose Low ecological coatings. For the walls, we recommend a natural painting based on pigment or a lime plaster, biodegradable, with anti-bacterial properties. We can also crack for a Linen tapestry, more expensive, but also more resistant.


On the floor side, some linoleums, composed of linseed oil, cork, wood and colored pigments, are ecologically manufactured. Vegetable fiber floors such as coconut, sisal and sea rush can also be considered to bring nature into your home. To accompany you in your renovation project, do not hesitate to call on a architect, who will be able to advise you on The most environmentally friendly materials.


4 -Avoid plastic


According to the study 10FactSplastic, there global plastic production experienced an exponential growth, going from 2.3 million tonnes in 1950 to 162 million in 1993 and then 448 million in 2015. Disposable and not recycled plastics, constitute a scourge for the environment


Manufacturers and researchers have experienced many years in recent years plastic alternatives : the vitrification of purification residues, recycled carbon fibers, waste recovered in the oceans, plant plastics, leather designed with apples ... To date, none has succeeded in reproduce the advantages of plastic, hygienic and functional


5 - Test the second hand and the upcycling


Experience an ecological design, it is also test the second hand. In France, the circular economy market is booming, for ecological, but also budgetary reasons. For some pieces of your decoration, do not hesitate to cantinize furniture or lasting objects, steeped in history.


L'upcycling, or "an extraordinary" in French, also has the rating in interior decoration. This trend consists in recovering materials or products which we no longer use to offer them a second life and transform them into higher quality products. You can recycle a bathtub in the sofa, a travel bag in a travel bag or a trunk in the coffee table!


6 - Turn to Made in France for ecological design


Ecological design is above all a sustainable design, which meets quality requirements. THE made in France guarantees you the know-how of French craftsmen and industrialists and the Products sustainability. By turning to French manufacturing, you favor the short circuit, and therefore limit the carbon impact of your purchase. You promote job creation and respect for labor law.


THE Patch liv is a fine example of Ecological design made in France. Designed locally with sustainable and recycled raw materials, it takes into account the Preservation of natural resources With its low water consumption and compostable crop cliggers. Your fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs are cultivated directly at home, without pesticides, without transport. So you avoid packaging and waste!


Treat yourself to the vegetable vegetable