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Adopt our Made in France indoor vegetable gardens, for bountiful harvests directly at home.

16 Growing Pods to choose from
16 Growing Pods of your choice

16 Growing Pods of your choice

16 Growing Pods of your choice
16 Growing Pods of your choice

16 Mottes au choix
16 Mottes au choix

16 mottes confiance

16 recommended Growing Pods
16 Mottes recommandées
16 Mottes recommandées

16 Mottes recommandées
16 Mottes recommandées

16 Mottes recommandées

Purple Amaranth

Amo, made for kitchens

Gold Crown Dill

Cinnamon Basil

Lemon Basil

Large Green Basil

Purple Basil

Thai Basil

Wooden Sticks

Napoli Carrot

Postcard - Aromatic Herbs

Postcard - The Cherry Tomato

Curly Chervil

Fine Curly Chervil

Common Chives

Cultivated Coriander

Chard Coast

Épinard Commun

Giant Winter Spinach

Wild Strawberry

Radis Rond + Mini Carotte + Tomate Cerise + Mini Poivron + Mini Navet + Menthe Verte + Basilic Grand Vert + Ciboulette Commune

Basilic Cannelle + Basilic Citron + Shiso Vert + Menthe Verte + Basilic Grand Vert + Romarin Officinal + Verveine Officinale + Aneth Tetra Gold

Cutting Lettuce

Mini Carotte + Pak Choi Arax + Mini Poivron + Radis Rond + Côte de Blette + Tomate Cerise + Pak Choï Commun + Épinard Géant d'Hiver

Basilic Grand Vert + Persil Plat + Coriandre Cultivée + Aneth Tetra Gold + Ciboulette Commune + Romarin Officinal + Thym Commun + Menthe Verte

Romarin Officinal + Thym Commun + Origan Commun + Persil Plat + Sauge Officinale + Cerfeuil Commun + Sarriette Commune + Persil Frisé

Tomate Cerise + Basilic Grand Vert + Persil Plat + Mini Poivron + Ciboulette Commune + Thym Commun + Romarin Officinal + Piment de Cayenne

Aneth Tetra Gold + Thym Commun + Verveine Officinale + Basilic Citron + Menthe Verte + Sauge Officinale + Basilic Cannelle + Cerfeuil Commun

Epinard Géant D’Hiver + Aneth Tetra Gold + Laitue à Couper + Mini Navet + Radis Ronds + Piment de Cayenne + Mâche à Grosses Graines + Coriandre Cultivée

Liv, made for living-rooms

Lamb's Lettuce


Baby Carrot

Mini Turnip

Mini Pepper

Bloody Mary Mustard

Manufactured in France
in France
Approved by chefs
Tested and approved by chefs
Secured payment
Secured payment
New varieties
New varieties every month