Faire pousser des légumes en intérieur : c'est possible !

Growing vegetables indoors: it's possible!

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 5 min

  1. What solutions for easy and original crops?
  2. What vegetables to grow indoors?
  3. What conditions for traditional crops?

Good news, growing your plants and vegetables indoors is possible!

It is even a current trend that is developing.

You no longer need an outdoor space: courtyard, terrace or balcony to enjoy fruit and vegetable harvests at home! An excellent reason to get started, even for those who don't have a green thumb or little space to give to plants in their studios or apartments! On a kitchen ledge, a coffee table or even in your bathroom, organic vegetables can grow in your apartment.

Of course, you have to meet a few criteria so that your plants can grow in good conditions, and here we share all our secret tips with you so that you can soon be enjoying plants of tomatoes , lettuce , basil and other leafy vegetables quickly!

What solutions for easy and original crops?

Several solutions exist when it comes to growing indoors, it remains an accessible activity and allows you to always have fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs at your disposal. We are convinced that you will find a solution adapted to your situation among our tips and tricks!

sprouted seeds

Sprouts are the easiest and fastest way to grow at home . The advantages are that you can put your seedlings to germinate at any time of the year, even in winter ! A simple jar will be enough for you , your seeds will be ready for tasting after only 4 days and will contain all the nutrients of the plant.

Lack of sunlight will not affect germination, so you can implement this solution even when you lack light. The seeds are eaten raw, while still growing and are very rich in natural vitamins and minerals.

Cultivation Clods

If you're short on floor space and don't want to embark on a gardening workshop for the day, you can turn to our Cultivation Clods . Designed for city dwellers, these are small cubes of compacted substrate, which replace the traditional bag of potting soil and allow everyone to enjoy crops very easily at hand.

Our Clods are already optimized in nutrients according to the varieties and all contain seeds labeled "Organic Agriculture" and of French origin, so you have nothing to do! No need to sow your seeds, nor to compare the bags of soil and potting soil or to bring them home in transport, everything is already thought of so that you can benefit from them directly.

Our Clods can be used in our Cork Pots made in France but also in a simple empty Jam Jar, a well-cleaned tin can or any container you have at home! Our Clods can also be used in our Balconnière , delivered directly with a bag of substrate and a bag of clay balls sized to avoid having to keep a bag of soil in the back of your bathroom for several months!

The Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden or indoor garden

The option that puts the best chance on your side, all seasons combined, is the Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden !

Indeed, the advantage of a smart vegetable garden is that the growing conditions are optimized to ensure the best possible yields. It is therefore the most effective solution because your aromatic plants, fruits and vegetables grow in optimal conditions and therefore ensure good harvests. The plants grow faster than in an ordinary environment and do not require any particular attention, the vegetable garden being autonomous. This is of course a trick that will interest the biggest budgets, but its efficiency, its accessibility of use and its design are excellent assets that will allow you to taste your own fresh vegetables every month, all year !

What vegetables to grow indoors?

Mini vegetables such as cherry tomatoes or even mini peppers , due to their size, are easier to grow in a limited space and are excellent first crops because they do not require much attention.

Lettuce is also a very good vegetable to grow indoors, it grows very quickly which allows you to have it often to taste. Let's not forget the radishes which are also suitable for growing in pots (of all sizes) and can be harvested after only 3 weeks. Finally strawberries also like a lot in your interior in the light of the sun, or artificial. Strawberries will give you beautiful leaves and delicious fruit, which do well in a vertical vegetable garden .

Discover our advice on mini peppers , mint and coriander to enjoy the best possible harvests in an apartment.

What conditions for traditional crops?

Have the last few months spent in your apartment convinced you to start urban gardening? Do you now want to be able to enjoy some fresh and 100% homemade vegetables all year round?

Here is a list of tips for successful grows:

Choose a location near a bright window

Indeed, since your vegetable garden is in your house or apartment, your plants obviously receive less light than in a garden or outdoor space. It is therefore important to find a place for them near the window, receiving sunlight, if not on the balcony or the windowsill.

Choose the appropriate container

For your plants to grow perfectly indoors , choose the format that best suits your surface!

Do you live in a small apartment or studio? Turn to a potted vegetable garden , in terracotta, cork or recycled (jars of jam, tin can...) which will not take up too much space, while leaving enough space for the roots to develop.

If a Pot allows you to cultivate a plant, you can accumulate them to recreate the atmosphere of a real urban vegetable garden at home and thus enjoy several varied harvests all year round! Our Cork Pots are not perforated on the underside, to ensure the greatest possible maneuverability, you just have to bring them to the tap, pour a few drops and empty the surplus before placing your Pot wherever you want.

If you have more space to allocate to the cultivation of your plants, do not hesitate to take advantage of a planter or balcony box which will allow you to enjoy a real vegetable garden space indoors! You can then plant several varieties next to each other and quickly enjoy rather substantial harvests!

Planters come in many materials, each with advantages and disadvantages. Do not hesitate to inform yourself well at the time of your purchase in order to have a product corresponding to your needs and your desires!

Be sure to water them properly

All plants (vegetables, flowers, fruits or herbs) have very different water needs . However, some common rules are easy to apply and should allow you to quickly see the first shoots appear which you will then have to take care of! During the germination phase of your seeds or seedlings, the plant needs very little water, a few tablespoons several times a week is enough for it to develop and let the first shoots appear. Indeed, the plants are not fish and the roots are still fragile and do not have the capacity to absorb large quantities of water - be vigilant during the first 10 days! As soon as the growth is well underway, you can start watering your plant more regularly, almost every other day, and watch the leaves of the plants in your indoor garden develop at full speed!

Also discover our advice sheets according to the varieties: basil , parsley , pepper ... and our associated recipes to quickly enjoy delicious harvests of your vegetables indoors!