Quand et comment planter de la menthe en pot ?

When and how to plant mint in a pot?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 5 min

Mint information

Mint, or its scientific name "Mentha", is an aromatic herb of the family of Lamiaceae. This aromatic plant is cultivated throughout the year for its very fragrant and fresh flavor used in many recipes: Green mint liqueur, Madeleines lemon and green mint, or Green mint omelet.

This plant is one of the aromatic varieties of the type perennial, that is to say that you can cultivate it more than a year. Mint's foot has a height of 20 to 60cm And its planting is easy. You will easily recognize it by its evergreen foliage. You can also appreciate its white, purple and pink flowers whose colors vary depending on the variety.

There are different mints: green mint, "mentha spicata" which has a softer flavor and whose foot rises to 30cm high; The peppermint "Mentha Piperita" which is more spicy and which has darker foliage; Or the Moroccan mint, "Mentha Spicata Nanah", widely used in tea.

When to plant mint?

What season for mint planting?

Outdoors, these aromatic plants are cultivated in spring, from March, but they can be cultivated in any season indoors. Indeed, you can keep your young plants warm, under a bell or mini-greenhouse. The roots will thus have time to develop before they can be transplanted.
The leaves will grow throughout the year and the flowers will appear in summer, period of flowering.

Why plant mint in a pot?


Planting the mint in your interior garden is a great way to enjoy a plantation throughout the year. To do this, you can cultivate it in a house as in an apartment, on your balcony in a planter, or in your living room and kitchen in a pot or vegetable garden.

The pot is an excellent choice for mint because it occupies not a lot of place And offer a wide choice of possibilities. Indeed, there are more than one type of pot, each with respective advantages. If you lack space, you can even opt for a hanging pot or planter.
In the case of mint, it is an aromatic plant that takes up space and can become invasive. The pot will therefore prevent mint from becoming too invasive, while if you plant this variety in your garden or in vegetable patch it may take over your other plants. It will be necessary to provide a depth of at least 30cm So that the roots of the plant can push. Indeed, the larger your pots, the more the roots will develop, the more the mint foot will grow.


Advantages and disadvantages of pot culture


Your indoor plants will ask you less maintenance Because weeding the soil will be easier compared to that of the land of the garden. However, it will be necessary to water more frequently.
On the other hand, planting indoors will allow you to place your pot or your planter directly in the kitchen to be able to harvest according to your needs. Your plants will also be more protected from bad weather and cold.

How to plant mint in a pot?

Prepare the sowing of mints

Choice of seeds

The choice of seeds is important because this determines the growth capacities of your plant as well as the quality of your fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs. Urban Cuisine recommends you seeds labeled "organic farming". This type of seeds is certified organic, is more resistant, and allows a long -term culture.


Choice of land

Mint is easy to maintain. However, so that the plants can push, they will need a fresh land, rich in nutrients, always humid but well drained.


Choice of location

Mint supports the sun well provided that the earth is wet, but it can also be placed in mid-shade.

With what varieties of plants cultivate mint ?

Mint is an invasive plant. Its roots quickly disperse to give new feet. To do this, avoid cultivating mint with other varieties.
However, you can combine different mints to enjoy the sweetest tastes with the most pronounced tastes.

Sowing in 6 steps

1) Place a layer of clay balls at the bottom of the pot
2) Add soil. You can mix it with sand for better drainage to avoid excess water
3) Sow the seeds in the earth you just prepare
4) Cover with a thin layer of soil
5) Tap the ground
6) Water the earth


You can also plant green mint simply thanks to the Urban Cuisine cork pot, which includes a 3-in-1 culture clod: a breeding ground perfectly suited to indoor culture, nutrients optimized for the growth of your plant and French seeds and labeled "organic farming".


6 steps to plant mint by cutting

1) Pour in a container a layer of clay balls, then soil
2) Take mint stems
3) Make a hole in the earth that you have prepared
4) Plant the mint stems in the holes
5) Water the ground
6) Cover with a stretch film to speed up root growth

Mint interview


Mint will particularly need water after sowing so that the seeds can lift. Once this step has been passed, it will be necessary to water it so as to maintain the earth constantly humid while avoiding an excess of water which could damage the roots.



Cut At 20 cm to stimulate growth is a way to get fresh leaves all year round. Indeed, this will allow the foliage to renew itself so that your harvest is even better.


Harvest the potted mint

3 steps from harvest to conservation

- Cut the mint stems using a pruning sheer
- During flowering periods, cut the stems that have flowers, they are also edible
- Keep your sheets in the refrigerator or freezer





You can also dry the leaves, they will however lose part of their flavor. By freezing them, the taste of mint will remain intact And you can keep your harvest for a long time.

Find out how to keep your aromatic herbs well with articles: "How to clearly freeze your aromatic herbs?" And "How to keep your aromatic herbs?".



Cultivate mint with Urban Cuisine products


Urban Cuisine offers you a easy gardening To maintain your mint plantation and many other varieties: fruits, vegetables, and aromatic herbs.
For this, we have designed organic crop cliggers including green mint. The product comes all in one, no need to add compost or soil. You just have to install the crop clod in your pot, then sprinkle. These clods already contain All the nutrients necessary for the growth of your plant mint and the floor is compact so that your gardening experience is simple and optimal.

To diversify your plantation, you can plant your mint foot in Balcony With large green basil or in the connected interior vegetable garden. This vegetable garden will allow you to cultivate 16 plants simultaneously in your interior garden from spring to winter. This is possible thanks to the LED lamp system which reproduce sunlight 6 p.m. per day as well as by the automation of watering, humidity and ventilation.

For more information on the maintenance of your varieties, see blog articles: "Green mint: our maintenance advice", "How and when to pick mint in a pot?" and many others.