Culture de la coriandre : plantation, pousse, arrosage, semis

Cultivation of coriander: planting, growing, watering, sowing

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 3 min

Planting coriander

General information, season calendar

Also known as Arabian Parsley and Chinese Parsley , Cultivated Coriander , or its scientific name Coriandrum sativum, is part of the Apiaceae family which includes many plants such as parsley or carrot. This plant is one of the aromatics , it is annual : that is to say that its cycle, from germination to seed going through flowering, takes place in one year.

Coriander is cultivated as much for its leaves as for its seeds which provide a fresh and slightly spicy taste, ideal for spicy dishes. You can consult some on the " recipe " tab : Cultivated Coriander Falafels or Cultivated Coriander Guacamole . In addition to its delicious flavors, cilantro is also prized for its health benefits: digestion, antioxidant effect, vitamin K and flavonoid intake .

This aromatic plant is characterized by its light green foliage , its very branched stems and its small white flowers, sometimes pink .

Varieties : there are different varieties of coriander, including Vietnamese coriander with pale pink flowers, which adapts even to more humid soils and tolerates the sun quite well. Cultivated cilantro is the most common and it is also very easy to plant.


Coriander grows quickly and grows very well indoors : vegetable garden, pot, planter. The plants will germinate in 5-10 days and you can harvest the leaves 4 weeks after sowing . For harvesting, cut a maximum of a third of the plant so as not to weaken the plant.


The maintenance of aromatic herbs is very important, especially for the cultivation of coriander. Indeed, this aromatic plant bolts very easily to seed . If you want to grow the leaves for as long as possible, care should be taken to water the plant frequently without the potting soil having excess moisture. Indeed, coriander flowers will appear quickly if it is too dry and it will then produce seeds that you can eat or sow. Once the plant has gone to seed, the leaves will become tough and therefore less fresh and less good.

Sowing coriander

It will be necessary to choose the site of the sowing well because the coriander does not like to change place. Indeed, transplanting or moving the plant will promote bolting . The planting of coriander is done during the spring, from April or May , when there will be no more risk of frost. It will need well-drained soil and slightly calcareous soil . It will need to be exposed to the sun, but not too much . This is why it will be necessary to pay attention to the calendar and not to plant it in summer , a period of high heat. Although it resists diseases well, it will also be necessary to pay attention to fungi which could cause a cryptogamic disease.

For sowing coriander , we recommend that you choose coriander seeds labeled "Organic Farming" . These are organic seeds, which have not undergone any harmful chemical treatment. Thanks to organic seeds, you will not only have healthier and tastier varieties, but they will also have the advantage of being more resistant , including to pests.

Sowing in the garden

Prepare your furrows 2cm deep. Pour water over the furrows, then sow the coriander seeds . Cover with a thin layer of soil, then lightly tamp the soil with the rake. In the garden, you can harvest it 2 months after sowing. For a faster harvest, grow cilantro in pots.

Indoor sowing

In a pot, planter, or indoor vegetable patch, prepare the soil by mixing potting soil, topsoil, and sand . Bury the seeds 1 cm deep, then cover them with a thin layer of soil . Water lightly.

Note: Potted cilantro does not need a large container but does take up space in height .

Growing coriander with URBAN CUISINE

For easy gardening, choose URBAN CUISINE products. Even more need to go through the sowing stage. The seeds are already sown in our organic cultivation clods . You have the choice between 20 varieties of fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs: Cultivated Coriander, Large-Seed Lamb's Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes , Flat Parsley and many more. The soil of Les Mottes is compact for more ease and the earth is made up of plant fibers which contain all the nutrients necessary for the growth of your plants. All you have to do is install your Clods in your Cork Pot and water.

To cultivate more varieties, choose the Balconnière to cultivate 2 plants simultaneously or the Connected Vegetable Garden which will allow you to cultivate 16 organic varieties without making any effort because watering, lighting, ventilation and humidity are automated. The LED lamps produce sunlight 18 days a day and pose no danger to the user. Your coriander and your other fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs will therefore grow faster than in a natural environment. Coriander will go to seed less quickly since it will benefit from the best growing conditions .

With the Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden, you can also subscribe to our subscription for monthly refill packs of Clods at an advantageous price.

You can consult our other maintenance and gardening tips on the blog : Herb garden kit: tips and tricks , How to grow parsley in pots indoors ,Our organic and well-being tips and many more.