Potager Vertical pour appartement : on vous montre !

Vertical vegetable garden for apartments: we show you!

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 5 min

Grow aromatic plants , quality fruits and vegetables yourself, without a house, garden or balcony, in town and in the small space of your apartment? It's possible ! How ? Thanks to the vertical vegetable garden . This one, built in height, will find its place on your balconies or even in your interiors .

Thus, the vertical vegetable garden is the ideal solution, as long as you have high ceilings, to grow from your living room.

The materials needed to create a vertical vegetable garden

Setting up a vertical vegetable garden is relatively simple . It is enough for you simply to acquire the structure, which you can find already ready-made. You can also obtain the components necessary for its manufacture and plant the sown clods URBAN CUISINE in it, and thus ensure delicious and abundant harvests.

For do-it-yourselfers at heart, it is even possible to build your own vertical vegetable garden . All you have to do is go to the nearest DIY store to get some wooden planks . Even, if you want to combine DIY and recycling , go to the nearby grocery store to ask to pick up a wooden pallet , free of charge, and arrange it vertically from the ground in order to place your clods there. You can also order your pallets on the internet, "Europe" type pallets, available for delivery, which will make you a real gardener or a real indoor planter!

The different types of vertical vegetable gardens

The vegetable garden in pockets

The pocket vegetable garden is one of the most productive systems because it offers a fairly large number of plants either in width or in height, from the ground. With this model it is possible to make pockets up to more than 2m high and over the entire width of a wall. The pockets can also be hung on a balcony railing or on a solid fence, for a "kit" vegetable garden.

The potted vegetable garden

The potted vegetable garden offers the advantage of making it possible to optimize the heights of its interior.

For ever more aesthetic vegetable gardens , let your creativity speak! Why not, for example, recycle your old tin cans by piercing them at the bottom to place them in the container of your vegetable garden and add the necessary soil? Likewise, why not add edible flowers to your vegetables, salads and flowering plants?

cork jar aromatic kit

This system has the advantage of allowing you to grow pots with very different varieties in your indoor vegetable garden and to make you benefit even more from the riches of the earth without much gardening effort.

No clear plastic container: roots hate light!

The vegetable garden in balconies

You are probably familiar with the culture in balcony boxes . Inspired by this model, you can create a vertical vegetable garden yourself , on two stair stringers and then place your container on one floor or the other. Like this, your revisited planter benefits from a maximum of sun !

You are free to take inspiration from this system and let your ideas flow to create your tailor-made version !

The vegetable garden on a pallet

For your vertical vegetable garden , why not recycle an old wooden pallet ? It is possible to pick up a pallet in your supermarket.
Two creative possibilities are available to you: create planters with a certain type of pots in the same pallet placed on the ground and placed against a wall or insert the plants between each level of each of your pallets. At the foot of your pallet, you can also place a geotextile bag and add your soil to it, for a vegetable garden of different shapes to enhance your interior.

What plants to grow in my vertical vegetable garden?

The vertical vegetable garden offers the possibility of cultivating multiple varieties in a simple way to meet your needs and to satisfy all tastes! Cherry tomatoes , or basil , mini peppers or parsley to flavor your dishes and give flavor to your salads, the possibilities are as numerous as they are varied for your vegetable gardens .

To support our project that everyone can have a growing space at home , we have selected for you fruits and vegetables appreciated for their taste flavors, which go very well with many foods and which also have the advantage of taking little place for city dwellers who do not have a garden. You will be able to grow from home Cherry Tomatoes , Mini Peppers and Cayenne pepper , selected by us for their taste and for their virtues. You can find all our recipe ideas and advice directly on our site.

To accompany your dishes, we can only recommend the cultivation of aromatic herbs .

Here is a list of four aromatic plants that we offer

They will easily find their place in the heart of your vertical vegetable garden , are easy to grow and will enhance the flavors of your dishes.

However, make sure you have good exposure to sunlight, which is necessary for their growth. Thus, we recommend that you install the vertical vegetable garden on your balcony, or near a window. Don't worry if you don't have a balcony, a terrace or a garden, the lightness of the aromatic herbs makes it easy to move around and therefore will simplify your task to help you in their development.

It will also be necessary to take care of the grain to provide them with the water necessary for their growth . The adequate amount of water varies according to their needs and the size of the pot , but still requires regular, even daily watering that goes beyond a simple drop. Find all our watering advice and all the data for the water requirements of your herbs, plants and salads on our website.

And if, in addition to a vertical vegetable garden, you want to take advantage of the horizontal space you have in your house or apartment, Urban Cuisine offers you its Connected indoor vegetable garden .
This Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden allows everyone, even the least gardening enthusiasts who do not have a green thumb, to grow twenty different plants simultaneously, even in an urban environment , from your home . To allow optimal growth of the plants during the different cultivation phases, temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting and watering are automated.

Find this Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden and all the advice on the URBAN CUISINE website , and take the opportunity to discover all of our products , available to you for delivery, free if you subscribe to our subscription. To start the adventure on the right foot, just click here .

Do not hesitate to contact us for any requests, ideas or questions about our products.

URBAN CUISINE, which is committed to fruits and vegetables that grow naturally and without treatment, guarantees you products from organic farming and of French origin. In order to reduce plastic packaging , we offer you to benefit from the wonders of the earth, in delivery to arrive in your living room and to no longer be dependent on large distribution channels.

As you will have understood, the ambition of URBAN CUISINE is to allow everyone to grow fresh fruits and vegetables, without pesticides and without packaging, without plastic, which are harmful to our environment, even in urban environments.