Le Smart Garden : cultiver en intérieur en toute simplicité

The Smart Garden: growing indoors with ease

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 6 min

Are you tempted by the idea of ​​being able to grow your own organic fruits, vegetables, aromatic plants from your home? It is true that the adventure of the indoor vegetable garden has something to seduce . It makes it possible to offer a wide selection of organic varieties available directly at home and throughout the year!

Are you, however, not really used to growing your own varieties? Or, you don't have much time to devote to your vegetable garden, or don't really want to?

No problem ! Some indoor vegetable garden models have been specially thought out and designed to meet these situations and these requirements. This is the case of the Smart Garden. It will allow you to grow the varieties of your choice, from home, and effortlessly!

What is a Smart Garden? 

The Smart Garden is, as its name suggests, an intelligent garden. This smart vegetable garden or garden allows you to grow fruits, vegetables, edible flowers and aromatic herbs of your choice with ease . Thanks to this technology, the growth parameters of the varieties are taken into account and ensured by the Smart Garden itself. This system allows everyone, even those who don't have a green thumb, to cultivate with great ease and without effort!

Indeed, the Smart Garden is an intelligent garden or vegetable garden connected and connected to small indoor units, which themselves will determine all the cultivation parameters. This autonomous system ensures the correct nutrient supply for your plants, it checks the quality of the fertilizer, the correct covering of the seeds and ensures the correct heat depending on the variety. Indeed, the needs in water, in lighting (that is to say in light) vary according to the varieties, and will not be the same whether you grow basil or baby carrots for example.

The advantages of the Smart Garden

The Smart Garden is an interesting option to know for anyone wishing to embark on the adventure of a vegetable garden in an apartment or indoors. It is in fact perfectly suited to indoor cultivation since, even if you have neither a garden nor even an outdoor space to make a balcony vegetable garden or a terrace vegetable garden for example, the system offered by this product makes it possible to recreate all the conditions necessary for the growth of the varieties.

Your plants will benefit from the water they need to grow thanks to an autonomously generated irrigation system that takes into account the specificities of each plant.

The same goes for the sun exposure needs of your plants. The Smart Garden is an intelligent product that has its own lighting system and its own LED lamp that reproduces the exposure to sunlight that plants need for their growth.

The Smart Garden therefore offers the possibility of growing your own fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs directly indoors by creating the optimal growing conditions for the growth of these varieties. This system offers plants that grow fast, in large quantities and of high quality!

You can take advantage of many varieties to prepare your favorite food specialty or to enhance your best recipes!

These cultivation systems offered by the Smart Garden also offer the advantage of requiring very little effort . Indeed, you will no longer have to worry about the water supply or the solar exposure since the Smart Garden has its own lighting, its own led lamp and its own water tank to allow watering. automatic and autonomous.

This technology therefore makes it possible to bring together all the conditions necessary for the cultivation of different varieties throughout the year, the plants no longer being subject to the vagaries and variables of garden conditions or outdoor cultivation.

The Smart Garden includes a starter kit that will make your apartment garden even easier.

So all you have to do is sow or plant and the Smart Garden will take care of the rest!

It is therefore the possibility offered to all to live a vegetable garden adventure, even without a garden; a magical experience offered even to the less skilled .

It is also very easy to get a Smart Garden from the brands of your choice. you just need to receive the box containing the structure, the accessories in free delivery and then reassemble it.

The Smart Garden also offers the advantage of being a particularly aesthetic object that exists in several colors depending on the brands and model chosen. This state-of-the-art system will provide plants with everything they need for their growth and at the same time bring a little design touch to your interior. These beautiful products are, as you will have understood, both practical in an apartment and aesthetic for your interior.

Where to install your Smart Garden?

Several growing spaces are possible and you can install your Smart Garden in different indoor locations. Thus, you can opt for rooms such as the kitchen, the living room or even the bathroom if you do not have a garden or outdoor space.

Indeed, the conditions such as lighting, watering and temperature, which constitute a brake or on the contrary encourage cultivation, are, thanks to the Smart Garden system, entirely ensured independently.

Obviously, your indoor vegetable garden always requires some maintenance actions to allow the growth of your vegetables, fruits, or aromatic plants. It can for example be a question of filling the water tank of your vegetable garden, but you will be of the opinion that this whole system allows a simple and practical culture and accessible to all! Indeed, in just a little time and a few movements, you can enjoy beautiful basil leaves or succulent cherry tomatoes . All guaranteed without pesticides, without transport and without packaging.

As you will have understood, several solutions are within our reach when you decide to grow your own fruits, vegetables and aromatic plants. 

It turns out that sometimes we lack the desire or we don't have much time and space to devote to this vegetable garden experience.

It is precisely to allow everyone, even those who do not have a green thumb, that URBAN CUISINE develops its products. Our ambition is to allow everyone to be able to cultivate their own varieties at home and with ease throughout the year . It is with this in mind that we have developed our Optimized Vegetable Garden. This smart vegetable garden also ensures all the growing conditions thanks to a system incorporated in the pack of our product and with all the accessories included in the price.

Ventilation, temperature, watering and lighting are carried out by the vegetable garden itself in a completely autonomous way. You can grow up to 20 plants of fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs simultaneously.

Thanks to this system, without additional capsules or utensils, you will be able to benefit from different organic and fresh varieties throughout the year . You can receive your vegetable garden with ease, directly delivered to your home.

All you have to do is choose the varieties you want to grow in your smart vegetable garden and wait to benefit from your first harvests!

To allow you to benefit from a large number of varieties in your Optimized Vegetable Garden, URBAN CUISINE has developed Cultivation Clods . These Cultivation Clods are optimized in nutrients and contain the iron , magnesium and calcium necessary for the good growth of the plants.

The size of a glass, these Clods are a cube of substrate that optimizes your shoots and your yields . Thanks to these URBAN CUISINE products, you will be able to say goodbye to the usual bags of soil, potting soil and seed bags which are heavy to transport and which are cumbersome in the apartment. Clods have the advantage of being already sown , so there is no longer any need to buy seeds each time they are sown. In addition, all our Clods are sold at a single price. No jealousy and no hassle, you can grow basil , mint and cherry tomatoes simultaneously in your Optimized Vegetable Garden.

Cultivation Clods

At URBAN CUISINE, we believe that the vegetable garden should be synonymous with simplicity. All of the products that we develop meet criteria and requirements of accessibility and ease.

Our Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden and our Cultivation Clods will therefore allow you to cultivate at home, even without a garden, even without having much time or much space in your home, different varieties of fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs from your choice !

You can take the opportunity to prepare your favorite food specialty and to taste your best cooking recipes!

To stay up to date, to be in the mold of the Smart Garden, and to find recipes to cook with your crops, go to the URBAN CUISINE blog!