La culture du Piment de Cayenne : ce qu'il faut savoir

Cayenne pepper cultivation: what you need to know

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 3 min

Description of the cayenne pepper variety

Cayenne Pepper is a variety of peppers originating from the Capsicum annum species with very large fruits like peppers. Both are part of the Solanaceae family . Cayenne pepper is widely used in cooking for its spicy flavor that seasons sauces, meals, and even desserts. Discover delicious recipes based on Cayenne Pepper on the "recipe" tab of URBAN CUISINE:Tabasco with Cayenne Pepper , Chocolate & Cayenne Pepper Cookies , Chicken with Cayenne Pepper and many more. In addition to its strong taste, Cayenne Pepper will also enrich your meals thanks to its benefits due to its nutritional contribution: Vitamins C, A, B9, potassium and flavonoids.

The different varieties of cayenne pepper

There are many varieties of pepper, including the Cayenne Pepper, but also the Espelette Pepper whose flavor is milder, or the Bird Pepper whose fruit is smaller in size but is not less strong.


The color of the pepper varies from green, orange, yellow to red . Everything will depend on the time of maturity. Also, a chilli harvested earlier will be green and milder while a well-matured chilli will be red and also stronger.

Cayenne pepper seedlings

Peppers need heat to grow. It will therefore be necessary to cultivate it with a temperature of 25°C or more. You can grow it from February to April indoors: box, mini greenhouse or pot so that the plant can keep the heat.

For a garden crop, you can grow peppers from May to June after transplanting them. The growing conditions for peppers are the same as for peppers and tomatoes, i.e. warm, nutrient-rich soil, sun, and frequent watering .

7 steps to sow chilli:

  1. Choose the container : mini-greenhouse, box, or pot
  2. Choose the seeds . We recommend seeds labeled "Organic Farming" which are organic, more resistant, and allow long-term cultivation.
  3. Prepare the land . To do this, place clay balls with potting soil in your pots, your mini-greenhouse or your cassette.
  4. Sow the seeds , spacing them
  5. Cover with a thin layer of potting soil
  6. Moisten the seedling with a little water
  7. Close the lid if you have opted for a culture in a mini-greenhouse


Once your peppers have taken root well, you will see beautiful green leaves appear, a sign that it is time to transplant them into a larger container. You can transplant in a pot or in a vegetable garden from May to June . To do this, prepare the soil of your container with potting soil and clay balls, then make a hole in this soil. Harvest the pepper plants with a large spoon without touching the roots , which could damage them. Then, plant them in the soil you have prepared by covering the stem with potting soil, without covering the leaves, so that it can develop more roots. Finalize the transplanting by moistening the soil.

Maintenance: watering and pruning the cayenne pepper

Be sure to water your seedlings frequently . Indeed, peppers need a lot of water, especially at the start of sowing.

It will also be necessary to think about pruning your peppers from June to September in cool regions so that all the fruits can ripen. To do this, cut off the end of the secondary branches, leaving a leaf above the last fruit.

Harvesting and storing cayenne pepper

The seeds will germinate after 2 weeks. You can go to harvest from 10 weeks .

You can then eat the chilli fresh or place it in a freezer bag to freeze it . There are other methods to preserve the pepper : with olive oil, in a jar, or to dry it.

Note: For the next sowing, you can collect the seeds of your organic fruits. Dried seeds can be stored for 4 years in a paper bag.

Growing Cayenne Pepper with URBAN CUISINE

For your pepper planting, try the Organic Cayenne Pepper Mound. For an easy and optimal experience, the seeds are already sown in the Cultivation Clods. No need to add fertilizer or compost, Organic Cultivation Clods are made of plant fibers that contain all the nutrients necessary for the growth of your plant . You can also order your cayenne peppers directly from a Cork Pot if you prefer pot planting.

To diversify your indoor garden, the Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden allows you to simultaneously grow 16 plants from our 20 varieties of organic fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs: Cherry Tomatoes , Mini Peppers , Flat Parsley and many more. The opinion of each customer counts, which is why we offer you with the Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden a personalized subscription for a monthly refill of Clods.