Comment cultiver le basilic en pot en intérieur ?

How to grow basil in a pot indoors?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 4 min

The steps to follow for the maintenance of potted basil:


Basil is one of the most popular aromatic plants in the kitchen. You will find a total of more than a hundred varieties of basil , ranging from sweet basil to more pungent basil . Each variety will see its taste differ slightly from another. The good thing about basil is that most plants grow without difficulty outdoors. To grow basil indoors is not much more complicated as you will see. What you need to remember for basil to grow in good conditions, whether indoors or outdoors, is that it gets its dose of sun and water! Almost like us finally...

Exposure sun
watering regular, needs a lot of water
Harvest as needed and before flowers appear

Planting basil seeds in a pot

Get basil seeds from which you know the source, this will ensure plants corresponding to what you want and adapted to the environment of their growth. You can go to a garden center or a specialized shop to select among the varieties of basil seeds , those you want to plant. Be careful, the seeds must have been harvested in the last past months to ensure the best possible harvest!

Basil needs soil rich in nutrients to grow in the best conditions. Remember to plant your seeds well in thick soil. Once again, you can find this soil in traditional garden centers or in specialized stores.

Before filling your pot three-quarters full of soil, moisten the soil with water. Once you have your moist potting soil, fill the pot three-quarters full with it. If you're using a pot with a hole in the bottom to drain the water, consider placing a saucer under your pot to prevent water from leaking all over the place. You can also turn to a pot that is easier to use on a daily basis, without holes, such as our organic potted basil , perfect for indoors.

Arrange about 3 seeds in a hole you make with your finger. It is important to plant several seeds in a single pot, to ensure that there is germination. You won't need to push the seeds too deep, on the contrary! Do not bury them under more than one cm of soil. Once you have your seeds placed in your hole, cover them with a little soil, 5mm will be more than enough to protect the seeds and promote their germination. Then spray water on the soil to slightly moisten the surface of the pot.

potted organic basil

You can also directly acquire a M otte of Grand Vert Basil with seeds and nutrients optimized for the growth of the plant.

It's a solution that will make your life easier, especially if you're just starting out and don't have a green thumb! This will save you from buying a bag of potting soil and planting seeds, which can quickly become a meticulous step!

The pot of your indoor vegetable garden should be placed in a place with sun because basil loves it. For it to grow at its best, it should be exposed to sunlight at least 6 hours a day. Of course, the best place to get the sun is near a window. If your plant can't get as much sun at home, you can turn to using artificial light to simulate that sun.

5 to 10 days later you should be able to see your seeds germinate. The time it takes to germinate will depend on the amount of sun, temperature and water the seeds have received. Don't be in a hurry, it takes time! Just make sure the soil stays moist and you have enough light that reflects directly into the pot.

Indoor basil plant care

As a general rule, water your basil plant as soon as the soil dries out to keep it moist. Water it about twice a week. The water must pour at the foot of the plant and not the leaves or the stem! By aiming directly at the soil, the roots will be able to properly absorb the water.

Artificial light: your best friend if your exposure to the sun is not enough for your basil plant. Not just any light will do though, you need a grow light specifically designed for this purpose. You can also combine your lamp with a timer that will automate the installation by giving cycles between 10 and 12 hours of artificial light to the basil plant . The stronger the light from the lamp, the closer the lamp will need to be to the plant. Place the light about 30cm from your basil plant for strong fluorescent lighting.

If you're growing multiple plants in a single pot, be sure to get your plants breathing well when they're at the stage of about two pairs of leaves. This means spacing the basil plants at least 15cm apart to allow them enough room to grow properly. To space the plants, you will have to uproot one very carefully and decide whether to replant it further in the pot if space permits or place it in another pot directly.

Once your basil plant has three pairs of leaves and is about 6 inches tall, you can start trimming your basil . To do this, aim for the top of the plant with sharp scissors. Pruning the plant helps promote the growth of basil leaves . It is an action that you can repeat every two weeks.

If your basil plant is wilting and seems to be a little soft, it is often because the plant lacks water and needs to be watered. Do not water too much at once, it should not be drowned! Wait until the water you just poured is absorbed before watering more. Place the plant in the shade for a while and remove the dead leaves to allow the plant to start on a healthy footing and thus prevent your basil from dying!

Harvesting basil leaves

Harvest your basil leaves before it begins to bloom because that's when the leaves are in their best shape. So eliminate the flowers if your plant has started to flower to concentrate the plant on leaf growth.

Pick your leaves as you go. Prefer to pick according to your needs to have leaves with the maximum flavor in your kitchen. Picking the leaves of your basil will not damage your plant, however do not harvest more than a third of the leaves at once to leave the plant the resources necessary for its growth.

potted organic basil