Comment cultiver le persil en pot en intérieur?

How to grow parsley in a pot indoors?

Written by: Urban Cuisine



Time to read 7 min

  1. The four most famous varieties of parsley
  2. Where to place your pot of parsley?
  3. How to plant parsley?
  4. How to cultivate your plant?
  5. How to harvest parsley?


Parsley is one of the aromatic plants that come from the Mediterranean basin and the neighboring regions located in the south and east, and would have been domesticated in southern southern Europe, possibly in Sardinia. It was consumed over 5,000 years ago. For many peoples, parsley is associated with superstitions.


Exposure  partial shade
Watering  Two to three times a week
Harvest  according to needs to keep the flavors


Here is the list of the four most famous varieties of parsley:

  • Common parsley

THE common parsley is one of the small herbaceous aromatic plants from 40 to 60 cm. This is the flavor that you must always have at hand, next to the worktop. To plant or cultivate inside or outside (garden, house or balcony ), in pots or in a interior vegetable garden.


  • The curly parsley

One of the aromatic herbs of excellence, with its Curly leaves, very finely cut.Its stem measures 30 cm at most.The beautiful deep green of the leaves contrasts with the tender green of the stem.It is very decorative: it is often found on the edge of service dishes. Do not leave it there, it is a very good nutritional complement. 


  • The flat parsley

His leaves are smooth, much less cut than their curly cousins.The stem can easily reach 50 cm.Very fragrant : If you want to give your preparations to taste, it is to him that you have to think.Don't forget the stem! Unattractive to be presented on the plate, it is however even more fragrant than the leaves: to dive in particular in the soups. This aromatic herb love being in the sun 


  • Tuberous parsley 

One of the aromatic herbs that can be consumed like turnip or parsnip, but you can also eat its leaves!Very difficult to find, even in season: it is usually consumed in autumn, because in winter the parsley fears a lot of the cold, but its culture has never met with real success in France. To plant or cultivate inside or outside (garden, house or balconies), in pots or in a Apartment vegetable garden 




Pottoles: What maintenance?

Parsley can be harvested in jar, on the balconies, of the terraces or in urban vegetable gardenThe pot in a pot needs sun throughout the day. It can also be satisfied with a semi-shaded exposure because too much sun can burn its leaves. Indoors, we advise you to install the pot in pots so that it is in the shade in the afternoon.If you have the possibility, it will be preferable to take it out outside or in a garden as soon as the good weather arrives and then enter it in winter. However, it is quite possible to keep it inside all year round!


  • Mainly needed water parsley in summer, during hot weather. Lack of water and high temperatures accelerate its rise in seeds, limit its development and Make yellow leaves. Sprinkle So regularly your parsley inside so as to keep the earth always fresh.

  • To stimulate leaf growth and growth, you can fertilize your pot in a pot with a special aromatic plant fertilizer, at the end of fall or early spring.

  • Persil is a plant that does not need a lot of care. If you cultivate it in the vegetable garden, remember to protect it from the cold in winter by covering it with a bell.


A parsley bought in a pot should be quickly repotted in a new container, in a mixture of soil and sand. Persil generally only lives 2 years.


It multiplies by sowing From February-March. Sow the seeds In a special sowing soil then cover with a thin layer of earth. Sprinkle with a lot of water to keep the soil damp. The seed lifting takes about 3 weeks.


Harvest the sheets of the pot in a pot as your cooking needs. Do not hesitate to pinch the stems to promote branching and first harvest the oldest leaves.



Where to place your pot of parsley?


The great advantage of having your pot of parsley in a pot directly in your house or apartment is that you will not have to worry about the season to cultivate your parsley, you can do it throughout the year ! Keep in mind that parsley is a biennial aromatic herb, a grass that has a lifespan of about two years.


Indeed, unlike certain aromatic herbs, parsley does not require a Exposure in full sun. Such an exposure could even make your parsley sheets yellowed, then prefer an exposure between sun and partial shade.


If the plant has direct exposure to the sun, it is important to water it enough to keep the earth damp. Place the pot near a window to offer your plant the best possible development.


The parsley develops very well from 15 °/22 °. You should therefore be able to enjoy it all year round, and keep your foot from one year to the next!



How to plant parsley?


Get parsley seeds of which you are sure of the provenance. You can go to garden center or on the internet to select from the varieties of parsley seeds, those you want to plant. If you decide to go through the Internet, make sure you get the best seeds. 


Persil needs a land rich in nutrients to push in the best conditions. So think about Plant your parsley seeds in a thick earth. Again, you can find this potting soil in garden center or on the internet. Choose between using a universal soil or a soil specific to aromatic plants which will be more Optimized in nutrients.


Before filling your earth pot with three -quarters, moistened the earth with water. Once you have your damp soil, fill three -quarters of the pot with it. If you use a pot with a hole at the bottom to evacuate the water, remember to place a saucer under your pot to prevent water from escaping everywhere. You will only have to be careful not to water too much in it! Of course, the larger the pot, the more the plant can develop, the more you can have a substantial harvest. 


Arrange Some seeds in a hole that you do with your finger. It is important to plant several seeds in a single pot, to ensure that there is germination. You will not need to drive the too deep seeds, on the contrary! Do not bury them under more than a cm of earth. Once you have your seeds arranged in your hole, cover them with a little soil, 5mm will largely be enough to protect the seeds and promote their germination. Then spray the earth with water to Lightly moisten the pot of the pot.


You can also directly acquire a mound of parsley With the optimized seeds and nutrients for the growth of the plant. This is a solution that will make your life easier, especially if you start and do not have a green hand! Combine this to our cork pot And growing parsley has never been easier!


A few days/weeks later you will have to be able to see your seeds germinating. The time they germinate will depend on the sun dose, the temperature and the water that the seeds will have received. Don't be too in a hurry, it takes time! Just make sure that the soil remains wet And that you have enough light that passes.


How to cultivate your parsley plant?


It's important to Water her plants well to maintain fresh land, it is therefore necessary to water as soon as the earth is dry. When the plant is still at the start of its growth, it will be necessary to give water to the plant more regularly, without drowning it because the plants are not fish! Subsequently, moderate watering every two or three days should be enough to keep your plant hydrated.


Generally, So water your parsley plantAs soon as the earth is dry to keep it moist. So water it about twice a week. The water must be poured at the foot of the plant and not the leaves or the stem! By directly targeting the earth, the roots will be able to properly absorb the water.


If you grow several plants in a single pot, be sure to make your plants breathe when they are at the stage of about two pairs of leaves. This means that the parsley plants must be spaced at least 15 cm to allow them to have sufficient room to push properly. To space the plants, it will be necessary to uproot one very carefully and decide to replant it further in the pot if the space allows or place it in another pot directly.


Once your parsley plant has three pairs of leaves and a size of about 15cm, it will be possible to start cutting it. For that, Aim the top of the plant, with sharp scissors. The size of the plant makes it possible to promote the growth of the parsley leaves. This is an action that you can repeat every two weeks.


If your stagger with withered parsley and seems to have a little soft stroke, it is often that the plant lacks water and you have to water it. Do not arrive too much suddenly, it should not be walnut. Wait until the water you have just poured is absorbed before watering more. Place the plant for a moment in the shade and eliminate the dead leaves to allow the plant to leave on healthy bases.



How to harvest parsley?


  1. You can either Cut the stems either pick the leaves directly. We advise you not to pick more than a third of the mint leaves at once.

  2. If you decide to cut the stems, it is also advisable not to cut the plant that is too short not to slow down the regrowth. It is best to harvest according to your needs, aromatic herbs and Herbs Proching quickly, which should allow you to always have it.

  3. Harvesting the shoots as you go and can also keep all flavors and perfumes, which is not always the case when youkeep.