Culture de Mini Poivrons : quand et comment s’occuper d’un plant ?

Cultivation of Mini Peppers: when and how to take care of a plant?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 4 min

What is the mini pepper?


The pepper is the sweetest fruit of all the peppers Capsicum annuum. The term Capsicum annuum designates a set of varieties of peppers. Peppers are part of the Solanaceae family and are annual plants.


The varieties


There are several varieties of peppers: Mini Bell, Soft of Valence, or Sweet top girl peppers And there are also several colors for the same variety.


These sun fruits have the advantage of an easy culture, indeed their Growth speed makes them ideal for start in gardening. They will also allow you a long -term culture since you can harvest the seeds of your mini peppers, visible when you cut the fruit in half. Harvest the seeds and use the fruit for your meals, Urban Cuisine offers lots of tasty recipe ideas: Chorizo ​​& mini pepper pasta, Mini grilled mini salad or Meat skewers & mini peppers. In addition to enjoying you, the mini pepper will also bring you many benefits: C vitamins, antioxidant effects, fibers.


The pepper grows quickly and well provided that it is sowing in a rich earth, humid and exposed to sunlight. Indeed, pepper is a Sun amateur plant. It is therefore essential to install your plants in a place in the sun for the best development of fruit. The mini pepper is a variety that gives small fruits, and is growing very well in a pot, balcony or terrace. Its culture is all the easier since this variety is Disease resistant.

The peppers are fruits that bring color and taste to your dishes: red, yellow or green, there is really something for everyone. The red peppers are sweeter while the green peppers are more bitter, which makes them closer to their cousin: the pepper

Urban Cuisine gives you its best advice To offer your mini pepper plants ideal growth conditions to obtain a harvest offruits rich in flavor.


Start the plant on good foundations

To make your mini peppers grow at best, they will need adequate conditions of culture from sowing.

What exhibition?

  • The pepper is a pepper, and all its fruits are sun lovers. It is therefore essential to install your mini pepper culture in a place under the sun.

With what varieties to cultivate the mini pepper?

  • If you grow several varieties of fruits and vegetables in your vegetable garden, know that the pepper can push alongside the tomato andeggplant.

When to sow the mini pepper seeds?

  • The planting of pepper seeds is generally done in spring, around the end of May. You have to sow the pepper seeds in a well -warned floor.

  • You can then transplant the mini pepper in June to place it in a larger container: in a larger pot, vegetable garden or in the garden.

How to sow the mini peppers?


- Choose your mini pepper seeds. Urban Cuisine recommends you the seeds labeled "organic farming" because in addition to respecting the environment, they have the advantage of being more resistant and allowing a long -term culture.

-Seuits, prepare the earth. To do this, place a layer of clay balls at the bottom of the pot or container of your choice then add a soil.

- Humidize the earth If it is dry

- Sow The seeds by spacing them

- Cover fine potting soil

- Sprinkle

How to optimize the mini pepper cultivation?


  • When planting in poor soil you can add to it compost. If you have already planted your mini peppers and your soil is poor, do not hesitate to add fertilizer to your land when the first fruits appear.


How to maintain the mini pepper plants?


Here are some tips frominterview that we deliver you to take care of the mini pepper plants:


  • It is recommended deck the plants mini pepper. When the pepper foot has about ten fruit, cut the end of the stems. This will have better caliber fruits that arrive at maturity faster.



  • The cultivation of the mini pepper requires regular watering : the earth must always be wet.

Harvest and conservation

When to harvest the mini peppers?

  • It's towards the End of June that the fruits of the pepper plant form. You can start harvesting your first peppers about a month later, the fruits will be green. You can still wait if you want them to take color, red or yellow. Whatever happens, it is strongly advised to harvest the fruits before the first frosts.

Noticed : Your mini pepper plants should reach a size of about 50 cm to 80 cm.

  • For fruit harvesting, bring a pair of scissors and cut the stem 1 or 2 cm Above the mini pepper.

Conservation of mini peppers

  •  Avoid keeping the mini peppers in the refrigerator or outdoors. The pepper will be better if you eat it costs.

Cultivate the mini pepper indoors with Urban Cuisine


Urban Cuisine Offers solutions to cultivate indoors and even in the smallest spaces of aromatic plants and organic fruits and vegetables. With the mini organic pepper crop, which contains organic seeds, you are guaranteed to obtain fruit Full of flavor and benefits. The clods are made with vegetable fibers that contain all the nutrients necessary for the growth of your plants. You will therefore need to add anything, fertilizer, compost, or soil.
With our crop clod, germination of mini pepper seeds should arrive at the end of 5 to 10 days After planting. You can harvest your organic vegetables from 8 to 10 weeks approximately.



For pot cultivation, simply place your clods in your Cork pot and water.

You can also diversify your culture with the Connected interior vegetable garden, or the balcony.

You can find our advice and recipes around mini pepper or any other of our varieties of organic fruits and vegetables and plants on the blog Urban Cuisine.

Do not hesitate to Share your experience Urban Cuisine And to leave your opinions on our varieties and products on social networks.