Nos conseils pour sauver votre basilic en pot

Our advice to save your potted basil

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 8 min

How can you miss out on basil when you embark on the adventure and decide to cultivate your own aromatic herbs in your indoor vegetable garden? Basil is indeed one of the essential aromatic plants to have at home and to integrate into your recipes.
In addition to bringing many flavors to your dishes, flavoring your recipes thanks to its long and beautiful green leaves, basil offers many health benefits. Rich in vitamin A , vitamin C and minerals , this aromatic plant acts as a powerful antioxidant and greatly facilitates digestion while providing a lot of energy!
This condiment plant therefore has a number of interesting benefits that are appealing. These are good reasons to plant basil with other organic aromatic plants and to include it as often as possible in your dishes.
Basil offers the advantage of being easy to grow indoors , in your vegetable patch. Nevertheless, it is possible that your plant deteriorates, you do not give it the necessary care for its maintenance. Do not panic, with these few tips it will be easy to prevent this from happening and to find a satisfactory answer to keep your basil plant alive .
To prevent and even prevent your pot of basil from spoiling, you must first understand why your pot is dying.

Possible reasons your basilisk is dying

  1. It is possible that the poor condition of your plant is attributable to various external factors. A pot that does not allow the aromatic herbs to benefit from enough air can explain that your basil plant dies.
  2. Similarly, if the ground on which you have placed your pot is too cool (even freezing in winter), or on the contrary, the ground is too hot , this damages the basil by weakening its roots. The soil must be at the right temperature when you put your basil in it.
  3. Poorly maintained and tangled stems are also a cause of your plant's deterioration . The stem must be of a certain vitality, this can be seen in its behavior and its color, to which you must always be vigilant. It is important to always inquire and apply the advice received for the proper maintenance of plants in the vegetable garden in an apartment .
  4. The water and sun needs must be known when buying the seeds or when acquiring the fertilizer, before sowing, to know the specificities of the type of variety that we choose to grow indoors. A poor supply of water and sunlight does not help the life and the necessary hydration of the soil and is one of the first causes of the death of aromatic plants .
Nevertheless, the few tips that follow should allow you to put the odds on your side so that this does not happen to your organic condiment plants.

Our tips for caring for potted basil to prevent it from dying

Which pot for basil?

First of all, you have to choose the right pot for your basil in order to plant your seeds and make them grow. The pot can be plastic , earthen or clay , depending on your means and preferences. However, it is important that the roots are not cramped and that the soil in which the seeds are planted is airy . One of the tips we can give you is therefore to pierce the bottom of your pot to allow the soil to breathe, so that the roots sink deeper and do not risk entangling the stems of your aromatic plant due to the cramped growing space. Drilling the pot in the bottom also makes it easier to drain the water.

Find the right place for your pot of basil

Once the pot has been chosen, it must be found in the right place so that it can benefit from the water and the sun necessary for its survival. If you have a balcony or a terrace , you can place your pot of basil there so that your plant naturally benefits from the sun and the water it needs to give beautiful green leaves. The balcony is a place of choice since it offers conditions similar to those in the garden, namely natural light and the water or rain that will naturally water your plant.
If you don't have a balcony or terrace, you can keep your pot of basil inside your house or apartment. You can arrange your plants using the height of your house, in a vertical vegetable garden for example. There is not just one type, one answer or one way, but multiple ways and everyone is free to choose the one that suits them best.

Sun exposure

It is necessary to choose a sunny room , such as the kitchen for example. All of this advice is given in response to the specific needs of basil. Indeed, basil needs to be exposed to the sun for about 6 hours a day to ensure good growth in order to have strong stems and leaves and fruitful plants. The sun is not the only factor to consider. The temperature is also very important so that the fine flowers of the aromatic herbs, the basil plants have beautiful green leaves. One of the tips to remember is therefore to start sowing when the temperature is favourable, around the months of April and May, when the temperature is around 20 degrees. The location of the basil must therefore be bathed in sunlight, of course, but not hot because too much sun would dry out the leaves of your aromatic plants.
Don't worry, if basil is associated with spring days or summer flowers, it doesn't mean that winter marks the end of harvest in your indoor vegetable garden .
Potted plants can also be stored over winter . You can remember these tips: you should reserve a place in the sun for your pot, behind the kitchen window or behind a bay window, for example. Thus, during the last days of summer you must sow some seeds in the ground and then transplant them into pots at the beginning of autumn.

The water needs of potted basil

In addition to the exposure to the sun already mentioned, there are the water needs of your plants . Thus, it will be necessary to water the soil of the basil daily in dry periods . To find out if your soil is dry, it is recommended to lift the pot and see if it comes off. If so, the land lacks water. Another technique for knowing the humidity of the soil is to stick a finger in it to see if the substrate is dry to the touch. It will then be necessary to feed your soil with water. On the other hand, if this is not the case and it is a cool period, it will be necessary to water the soil only once a week.
In the spring and autumn seasons it is better to carry out this operation in the morning. In summer, on the other hand, the best time is in the evening to limit water evaporation. In the same way, we always water in fine rain so as not to overload the roots of your basil . The soil should always remain moist. There is never any question of excessively flooding the ground and drowning the stems and leaves, it would be counterproductive.
Watering is one of the important aspects of gardening. It is therefore important to remember these tips because they are specific to basil, which does not need to be watered in the same way as mint or thyme for example. Each type of variety, or aromatic plant, obviously has its specificities that it is up to us to know for gardening, indoors or outdoors. To ensure that the maintenance of your plant does not pose any problem, one of the tips we can give you is to keep a notebook in which the needs of each variety are written and listed, with one page for mint, one for chives, for example, and information on sowing, germination and the start of harvest in particular.

Caring for basil leaves and stems

For the maintenance of your basil, it is important to prune the basil leaves , and this from the first month after sowing the seeds. In the months that follow, do not hesitate to cut the stems of your aromatic plants regularly . When the foliage becomes too important, it will be necessary to cut all the stems. This operation will allow us to continue to have basil leaves in good condition and quality!
All the advice applied, should allow you to benefit from fruitful plants offering strong stems and fragrant and fragrant green leaves. As you will have understood, pot culture is particularly suitable for basil, in order to enjoy its smell daily and to be able to use it regularly in the kitchen.
To further ensure you have harvests of good quality and quantity throughout the year, URBAN CUISINE has developed several products that respond effectively to the problems that basil may face.

No garden, no problem!

URBAN CUISINE has developed a basil cultivation mound already sown with seeds labeled "Organic Farming". This root ball is made in France from vegetable fibers and is optimized in nutrients, thus ensuring perfect taste and nutritional qualities. With our motte the first shoots appear after only one week. As for the first harvests, they can take place after a few weeks and for 4-5 months.
The motte goes perfectly with the Cork Pot designed by URBAN CUISINE. The cork pots we offer are made in France from cork oak harvested in France and allow you to benefit from organic aromatic herb plants in an elegant and quality container.
URBAN CUISINE offers aPlanting Kit consisting of three Cork Pots . With this kit you can create a small indoor garden that will give you access to organic herbs with ease. It is included in this planting kit: three Cork Pots accompanied by three Cultivation Clods. The trio of organic aromatic herbs will be chosen from all the varieties we offer. The Cork Pots can then be reused with the plugs of your choice. You can therefore vary your pleasures according to your desires all year round!

However, if you want an indoor vegetable garden that allows you to develop a larger number of plants, URBAN CUISINE has once again what you need! We have indeed developed a Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden . This vegetable garden is fully automated and provides all the growing conditions itself. Watering, lighting, ventilation, placement of plants... everything has been thought out and optimized for organic, fruitful, quality harvests. No more problem for the maintenance of the plants, everything is ensured beforehand and allows you to cultivate winter as summer from your house or your apartment. No more problems of lack of time, lack of desire and no more very heavy bags of fertilizer to carry and which clutter up the cupboards. Combining sleek design with state-of-the-art technology , you can count on it to bring you vibrant, healthy crops all year round!
So, nothing to worry about for your plants, with the Connected Indoor Vegetable Garden, the basil never dies.