Persil qui jaunit : que faire ? Conseils et astuces

Parsley turning yellow: what to do? Tips and Tricks

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 3 min

Parsley is an aromatic herb widely used in cooking. It is appreciated for its ease of cultivation and you can place it in your kitchen to be able to have it whenever you want.

And yet, despite all our care, it happens that its beautiful green foliage gradually takes on a yellow tint. However, yellowing leaves are never a good sign.

Why does parsley turn yellow?

There are several reasons that cause the leaves to turn yellow. This is a sign that your parsley is lacking something or that it is the victim of pests.

Regulate watering

Parsley that turns yellow due to lack of water

Irregular watering can damage your parsley. Especially in periods of high heat, you may notice that the parsley leaves will turn yellow, which could accelerate seed set. In addition, parsley needs more water if it is in a pot or a balcony planter than if it is planted directly in the garden.

Advice: when it is very hot and especially if the parsley is grown in a pot or in a planter on the balcony, remember to water it more regularly.

Tip : Install a mulch on the ground to keep the humidity

Parsley that turns yellow due to poor drainage

Even if the Parsley needs regular watering, about 2 times a week, it is also necessary to pay attention to excess water. Indeed, too much water can also drown the roots and make the parsley yellow.

Tip: Prevent your parsley leaves from turning yellow by installing good drainage from the time of sowing . To do this, place a layer of clay balls in the bottom of the pot, then potting soil on top. The water will therefore remain in the trays without the roots drowning thanks to the clay balls.

Exposure and location

Parsley that turns yellow due to high heat

Parsley is an aromatic plant that appreciates the sun. However, this plant remains sensitive to high summer heat, especially if it is a young plant. So too much sun could cause the leaves to dry out and turn yellow.

Tip : Place your parsley in partial shade during hot weather.

Tip : when it is very hot, remember to water your plants away from the sun , early in the morning or in the evening.

Parsley that turns yellow because it lacks space or nutrients

Parsley needs space and rich soil to thrive. If the soil is poor and cannot draw up the resources it needs and its roots have no room to grow, then your plant leaves will turn yellow.

Tip : Sow your parsley in rich, fresh soil . To stimulate growth, it is also advisable to prune the parsley by cutting it in half throughout the first year. This will produce thick, green foliage.

Tip : If your pot is too small, you can transplant your parsley into a larger pot, a planter or a vegetable patch. To do this, prepare the new container by pouring a layer of clay balls in the bottom and potting soil on top. Make a hole in this earth. Then, collect your parsley plant using a spoon so as not to touch and damage the roots. Finally, plant the parsley in its new container: in a vegetable patch, pot or planter. Pack the soil and complete the operation by watering.

Parsley that turns yellow due to pests


These little pests attack the roots of your plants and draw on the nutrients needed by the roots. Parsley is generally not appreciated by aphids but sometimes they attack parsley all the same. In this case, its leaves will therefore turn yellow or even take on a red / purple tint.

Tip : Avoid nitrogen-rich fertilizers that may attract aphids.

Tip : use decoctions of tomatoes, garlic, onion and nettle to drive away these pests. If your crop is in the vegetable garden, you can also plant varieties that repel pests such as thyme , mint , lavender or dill .

Parsley that is yellowing because of the carrot fly

Parsley and carrots are victims of the same pest: the fly Psila rosae. This fly lays eggs in the roots and the larvae will then attack the roots which can no longer draw nutrients from the soil. The parsley leaves will then turn yellow and the aromatic plant will then wither.


Solution and how to use : Use an insect net to repel pests. If you don't like the culture with a net, you can also sow next to your parsley varieties that have a repellent effect such as chives, lavender, white onions, leeks.

What if you started from scratch and started a new parsley crop more serenely?

Discover our Flat Parsley Cultivation Mound, a 3-in-1 capsule including a neutral (which will not attract pests) and draining substrate, nutrients adapted to the growth of your plant according to its development and seeds of French origin and labeled "Organic Farming".

Discover all the URBAN CUISINE advice on growing parsley and our other varieties: " How to freeze parsley? ", " How to grow parsley in pots indoors? " and many more.