potager appartement

Vegetable garden in an apartment: how to cultivate in an apartment?

Written by: Joséphine Thebault



Time to read 6 min


Living in the city often takes us away from green spaces and does not always allow us to enjoy local and quality fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs .

However, it is very easy to start growing a few varieties directly at home and here you will find our advice and tips for growing delicious fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs simply, and having your own indoor vegetable garden !

On your balcony or directly in your kitchen , living room or even your bathroom!

Cultivating several plants at home obviously does not aim to make you achieve food self-sufficiency but rather to allow everyone to get involved in the game of gardening and cultivation, directly at home and even in a small space!


Your favorite fruits, vegetables and herbs can easily be integrated into your apartment decor, in several rooms of your home .

Some fairly simple conditions must be taken into account to integrate your plants into your interior in the best possible way: lighting, humidity and temperature to begin with. Of course the vegetable garden will always require a little maintenance to allow your plants to breathe and develop as well as possible, but with a few tips, you should soon be able to enjoy delicious homemade basil leaves or cherry tomatoes guaranteed zero pesticides, zero transport, zero packaging!

Several growing spaces are possible for your vegetable garden: the kitchen, the living room or even the bathroom if you have no outdoor space. Outside, a building courtyard, a balcony or even a windowsill can allow you to enjoy fresh varieties all year round .

The kitchen is an interesting place to grow your plants and aromatic herbs because it is often a bright room with direct light, quite well heated and rather humid. Plants of basil or mint will be particularly favorable to these conditions.

Growing in your living room is also a good option if it receives natural light and is heated to around 18-22°C , so that the plants can develop in the best possible way, from germination to harvest. !

Finally, the bathroom can also turn out to be a very interesting growing space if you have a well-exposed window there. Indeed, humidity promotes the germination of plants, which could allow you to enjoy your first home harvests very quickly!

If you are lucky enough to have an outdoor space, then a windowsill, balcony or terrace may be suitable, provided the wind is not blowing too hard and you can bring your plants indoors in winter , when the thermometer tumble!


Several solutions exist to get you started in an apartment vegetable garden.

If you want to turn to solutions for the interior, at least three options are available to you:

The most common first solution is to use clay pots. If the raw-looking natural material is appealing, the clay pot still has some flaws, such as the hole in the bottom of the pot, which reduces the ease of watering the plant because water can overflow when watering.

There is therefore another solution such as our Cork Pots which are designed for this purpose and which you can easily accumulate to enjoy several crops at the same time and thus enjoy delicious harvests all year round!

Finally, if you have more space, you can turn to a smart vegetable garden like the indoor garden that we offer, which allows you to grow 20 plants of vegetables , fruits and aromatic herbs all year round, in completely automated. Ventilation, temperature, watering and lighting are therefore tasks carried out by the vegetable garden itself in a completely autonomous way.

Naturally, other possibilities are available to you if you have an outdoor space such as a balcony or a terrace , then you can turn to geotextile bags which are used as pots for the outdoors and which allow roots to grow densely and allow the plant to breathe air through the porous fabric. They have the possibility of being used on any type of culture. Finally, a very popular choice remains to turn to a planter like the balcony that we offer where you can plant your fruits and vegetables to enjoy them. Its simplicity and design look will never fail your decor, quite the contrary!


The seedlings should grow without problems once planted in the planter, provided of course that they have the place to develop there. You can imagine planting your different varieties of herbs such as thyme , mint , parsley or even chives , but also your fruits and vegetables. Potatoes (two feet maximum), cherry tomatoes, lettuce or even radishes should grow quickly.

It is important to keep in mind that the space remains limited because there is not as much space as in a garden or in the middle of nature, which is why it will be preferable to avoid plants that tend to grow. expand too much. In this category we find, for example, blackcurrant, rosemary , sage, kiwis or even melons. Since space is often limited, it can be interesting to grow mini vegetables .

Some varieties of plants have the possibility of being grown outdoors during the summer season but must be kept indoors for the rest of the year, which is especially true for citrus fruits but also soft fruits. Red fruit trees are very popular because the plants keep a reasonable size and look beautiful even without the fruit and finally bring life and decoration to the planter once the fruit has grown. All that's left is to taste.

Discover our Balconnière , produced in France , allowing you to grow two fruit, vegetable and aromatic herb plants all year round, directly on your balcony or terrace.


For the vegetables to grow in the best conditions, it is important that the plants receive light at least 5 hours a day (without necessarily being exposed to full sun) and water regularly. With such exposure to the sun, you can grow carrots, spinach, lettuce, potatoes, radishes , cabbage, beans, peas, beets or even turnips ! However, too much sun could dry out your vegetable garden, as full sun is not always ideal. In this case, having a balcony or a terrace makes it possible to multiply the possibilities, but a smart indoor vegetable garden will also make it possible to recreate the conditions that can be found outdoors.

On a partially sunny place, it will be preferable to place in priority the plants which require the most light on this sunny zone, such as aromatic plants, eggplants, tomatoes , cucumbers, peppers , courgettes and melons , for which a significant exposure to the sun is necessary. On the other hand, some foods appreciate coolness and shade and will allow you to keep the advantage of your shaded area. Spinach, mint or sorrel will be in good condition here.

Finally, too much exposure to the wind is to be avoided.

The advantage of an apartment vegetable garden is that it will be optimal all year round, even during periods of cold or frost, which are harmful to outdoor plants.



The choice of seeds is important because it will have a major impact on the taste quality of your fruits and vegetables at harvest time. Favor seeds labeled " Organic Agriculture " and of French origin. It is also advisable that the seeds have not been harvested for more than a year because their nutritional qualities could be altered.

The choice of soil is also important and should differ depending on whether you are planting your plants indoors or outdoors, in order to be as suitable as possible for the environment.

To allow you to simply and easily cultivate your aromatic herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, we have developed optimized Cultivation Clods , already including French seeds and labeled "Organic Agriculture" and optimized nutrients according to the needs of each variety. This therefore ensures a better start to growth for each of the plants and thus, better harvests.

The choice of varieties is decisive to ensure the good growth of your vegetable garden.

Also discover our calendar of seasons , which will ensure the best possible growth and thus delicious harvests throughout the year.