Où trouver des Mini Poivrons ?

Where can I find Mini Peppers?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 3 min

Description of the mini pepper


The mini pepper is a Variety of soft peppers of the species of the Capsicum annum with very large fruits.

There are several varieties of peppers: Mini Bell, Sweet Valence, or even sweet top Girl peppers and there are also several colors for the same variety. The red peppers are sweeter while the green peppers are more bitter, which makes them closer to their cousin: the pepper.


The mini peppers are highly appreciated, as much for their flavors as for their nutrients: vitamin C, fibers and antioxidants. This fruit is used in many recipes that you can find on the "Recipe" tab of Urban Cuisine: Mini peppers stuffed with fresh goat cheese, Pesto with mini peppers, Mozzarella Salt Salt Salt pie and many others. Its success in the kitchen is also explained by the ease of the cultivation of mini pepper, Ideal for indoor plantation.


Consume local with its own mini pepper cultivation


The best way to provide fruit and vegetables is to cultivate them at home. You will not need to move and you will be assured of the quality of your organic plantations.


This type of culture is suitable for both garden and interior. There are many alternatives: interior vegetable garden, pots, planters.



Where to find your mini pepper seeds?


You can find seeds with a seedcade, going on a farm, inquiring with associations that sell seeds of different varieties or directly online via Purchase of mini pepper seeds.


Also discover our 3-in-1 culture clod, thought to facilitate your gardening experience: compacted professional soil, nutrients adapted to the growth of mini pepper, germination to fruiting and seeds of French origin and labeled "organic farming".



The 5 steps to consume with your own mini pepper cultivation


1- Prepare the sowing :

  • What type of seeds?

We recommend French seeds labeled "Organic Agriculture"

  • What land?

Mix soil and clay balls

  • What location?

The mini pepper needs good sun exposure

2- humidify the earth if the earth is dry

3- Sow the mini peppers seeds by spacing them

4- Cover with a layer of soil

5- Water


Noticed : for the location, you can associate theA cultivation of mini pepper with several varieties of plants and flowers that require the same cultivation conditions.



Garden plantation


The mini pepper can be sown under shelter: from January to March. It will then be necessary to transplant it in spring or summer. So that the plants can push, the pepper will need a hot earth, many sun and a wealthy in nutrients as for the planting of tomatoes


For maintenance, you just have to regularly water the plants.


Harvesting and conservation description


The seeds will seed after 5 to 10 days and the harvest will after 8 to 10 weeks. Eat the fresh fruit, it will be better than if you keep it in the fridge. When consuming the fruits, think of harvest seeds mini pepper that you will find by opening the fruit. They will then push very easily. However, this is only possible if you have chosen organic seeds.




Order your mini peppers with Urban Cuisine

Easy to use organic products


Cultivate your mini peppers in all ease thanks to our organic crop clods. This is a product all in one: The seeds are already sown, the soil is compact and it is made up of vegetable fibers that contain All nutrients that your plants need to grow: Magnesium, iron and calcium.


You can also cultivate your interior garden with the Connected interior vegetable garden ! This product will allow you to Cultivate 16 plants simultaneously Among the 20 organic varieties available: mini organic pepper, Cayenne pepper, Cultivated coriander and many others. With the connected vegetable garden, you will have no more concerns to do: watering, lighting, ventilation and humidity are automated. The product will be delivered to you with the organic crop clods that you can recharge monthly thanks to thesubscription.



Delivery of mini peppers:


Each product Urban Cuisine is organic and recyclable. In order to protect the environment, the Delivery is neutral in carbon And your product will arrive quickly after purchase. Moreover, Urban Cuisine Supports you all over with opinions and advice on varieties of fruits, vegetables and aromatic plants on the blog: "Balcony vegetable garden: Tips for a successful vegetable garden", "Where to buy organic vegetable plants ?", "Mini pepper: our maintenance tips and many more".