Comment utiliser les herbes aromatiques ?

How to use aromatic herbs?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 7 min


Aromatic herbs, exceptional condiments

Aromatic herbs are still too little used in our daily kitchens. However, it is absolutely not necessary to be a starred chef to have fun with them! Indeed, they are often very easy to use and can transform the taste of our simplest recipes !

The list of aromatic herbs that give flavor to your cooking is long, as is the list of their benefits. Their taste characteristics are numerous and allow you to vary the pleasures in your kitchen, on a daily basis.

Thanks to easy, simple and balanced recipes, discover how to transform your dishes!

Your next recipe containing aromatic herbs could well boost the taste of your preparation and delight the taste buds of your loved ones. We hope that we can give you some ideas for your dishes at home! You can find our different varieties of fresh and organic aromatic herbs for everyday cooking !

Potted chives recipe Discover below our advice and tips for using your aromatic plants and herbs with originality, all year round, from aperitif to dinner!

First of all, do you know the definition of an aromatic herb?

An aromatic herb, culinary herb, or condiment herb is a herbaceous plant generally of modest size whose leaves or whole tops are used in the kitchen to season dishes or flavor drinks.

The first advantage of the aromatic herb is therefore that everything can be consumed, from the roots to the leaves according to the varieties and the uses. Discover below some ideas to transform your dishes easily and quickly!

Aromatic herbs, an essential for your sauces and soups

About sauces

When it comes to hot sauces, aromatic herbs are a must!

The most popular herbs for making a sauce are basil , tarragon, chives , dill, saffron, chervil, parsley , bay leaves, thyme , or sage.

Do not hesitate to raise any of your simplest dish by adding these last to more flavors and originality ! For example, dill is very often used for cream sauces that go very well with fish or meat. In a tomato sauce also the herbs will know make the difference and bring a new touch of flavor to your sauce.

There is something for everyone and it is possible to make very good taste combinations. Do not hesitate to mix the potato with a little chives or even add a little more spicy touches with mint for example. After all, cooking tips are so varied that it would be a shame to miss out on so many possibilities to revive your dish.

Aromatic herbs are essential, especially to give flavor to your tomato sauce, for example. We often find basil , coriander or even thyme , which allows you to transform the simplest pasta dish into a gourmet and generous dish!

For the pistou , a delicious recipe from Provence which puts vegetables in the spotlight, we inevitably find basil in the recipe which is the essential ingredient. Contrary to appearances, this recipe is certainly long but very easy to prepare! Do not hesitate to give it a chance and delight those around you with a delicious meal with a sunny taste.

cork jar chive recipe You can also use dill for your cream sauces and give them more flavor to accompany your meat or white fish for example.

Finally, for the ingredients of a good vinaigrette sauce you will often find basil, mint , parsley or even chives , which will easily allow you to vary a classic recipe and bring new flavors to your favorite meals!

For the soups

Herbs are also a must in soups. They are the perfect complement to vegetables and help balance the flavors of your soups, hot or cold.

Easy to cook and quick to eat, soups can be transformed with more traditional aromatic herbs such as basil, parsley or chervil: potatoes, celery and chives ; cucumber and parsley; zucchini and mint... In short, for each soup, a bouquet of aromatic herbs can be easily combined and thus arouse the curiosity of your guests!

And the broths!

Broths are also very good ways to cook aromatic herbs in an original way and a unique way to get closer to their flavors. Indeed, a liter of hot water mixed with a cube of vegetable stock and a few bay leaves is an excellent light recipe for the winter months. More and more original and elaborate broths are emerging and allow you to taste the flavors of herbs that have been forgotten or neglected in the kitchen.

A meat broth can for example be transformed with a few sprigs of dried thyme and find all its flavors!

Aromatic herbs, an essential for your salads

As with sauces and soups, it is now impossible to miss aromatic herbs in your salad preparation. This allows you to test new flavors in one minute of preparation and thus introduce your entourage to new flavors every day!

The choice to decorate your salad is wide: dill, basil, parsley, chives, coriander , chervil or even tarragon add flavors to your salads and allow you to vary the pleasures.

Don't hesitate to let your imagination run wild: melon, cucumber and mint; kidney beans, corn and parsley; avocado, peas and tarragon; melon, feta and rosemary ... There are many original recipes and it is sometimes when it is unexpected that the aromatic herb reveals all its flavors and makes your taste buds dream!

Simpler recipes, with a holiday feel, can also be brought to your dining table: tomatoes, mozzarella, basil; king prawns with dill cream; Lebanese Tabbouleh...

Another original trick is to add dill or tarragon to the jar of your pickles to give them a new taste.

Aromatic herbs, where and how to subtly flavor your water

In summer, you can also use aromatic herbs to delicately flavor the taste of your water.

You can infuse your water overnight in the refrigerator to give it an even more thirst-quenching taste!

Here is a list of our favorite simple recipes:

  • Thyme infused water;
  • Rosemary infused water;
  • Mint infused water.

If you want more original recipes, then here is what you can try:

  • Blueberry, lemon and mint infused water;
  • Water infused with cucumber, strawberry and bay leaf;
  • Lime, raspberry and mint infused water

In short, all fresh herbs can find their place in infused water.

In your cocktails

Aromatic herbs are also used in many other drinks ! Taste for example this summer a sumptuous strawberry-basil margarita which will bring you freshness in this sunny season. Of course there are still many more possible combinations to flavor your cocktails with aromatic herbs such as: a cucumber-mint cocktail , pineapple-mint, pomegranate-thyme, blackberry-sage, grapefruit-basil and more….! Here again leave room for your creativity.

Do not hesitate to vary the pleasures, especially in times of high temperatures!

For your herbal teas and infusions

To give maximum flavor to your herbal teas and infusions, it is essential that your herbs are fresh because that is how they will give their most beautiful aromas!

Here is a non-exhaustive list of aromatic herbs that can enhance the taste of your nocturnal herbal teas: anise, chamomile, nettle, mint, bergamot, lemon balm, borage, rosemary, bay leaf, sage, oregano, thyme, lavender, verbena, lemongrass...

Slip a bunch of the herb of your choice into your teapot and you can enjoy fragrant hot water full of benefits!

Aromatic herbs, allies of pies and pizzas!

Everyone knows the famous Margherita, this pizza overflowing with tomato sauce, covered with mozzarella and sprinkled with basil leaves... A classic! Indeed, fine herbs or aromatic plants go particularly well with hot, toasted and crispy bread, enough to suggest new recipes during an aperitif with friends or to begin to put yourself in the art of italian pizza!

Among the most original recipes, highlighting aromatic herbs, we find:

- focaccia with sprigs of bay leaf;

- thin vegetable and thyme tart;

- pizza with feta, zucchini and rosemary;

- the salmon dill pizza...

Once again, do not hesitate to let yourself be tempted and let your imagination run wild!

Transform your condiments with aromatic herbs

A completely different way to enjoy aromatic herbs daily is to slip a few sprigs into the condiment of your choice: olive oil or honey, for example, to multiply the flavors of your products and enjoy an easy touch of originality. at all your meals!

It will only take you a few minutes and you can enjoy it for several weeks. For example, olive oil with rosemary or honey with thyme.

In your desserts

Aromatic herbs are also an opportunity to give a new taste to certain fruits: transform a simple watermelon salad with a bouquet of thyme, for example, a soup of red fruits with a bouquet of mint or even an apple pie with a little verbena.

The aromatic plants are there to seduce you: Let yourself be carried away by a sweet tomato and basil millefeuille or even by a lemon-basil cream tartlet and a mint and pineapple ganache! It is often difficult for us to combine fruits and vegetables at first sight with an aromatic herb and yet the combinations are sometimes of quality. Here again do not miss creativity to have fun as you wish in your kitchen.

You are now ready to add aromatic herbs to all your recipes!

Discover now how to make an indoor vegetable garden simply to enjoy these herbs and spices all year round thanks to our dedicated article.

Also take advantage of our products suitable even for small apartments, 100% Made in France, which will allow you to grow delicious herbs and mini-fruits and vegetables all year round to delight your taste buds!

You are now ready to put aromatic herbs in all your recipes! If you are wondering how to make an indoor vegetable garden to enjoy these herbs all year round, you can find our article HERE with our ideas and advice.