Basilic Thai : recettes et conseils

Thai basil: recipes and tips

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 5 min

The original and fragrant flavors of Asian cuisine seem to delight the taste buds of the French. Spicy, healthy and colorful , many people have opted for these specialties from Asia. Dishes that come to us from countries like Vietnam, China, Cambodia, but also Thailand. Thai cuisine, or “thai cuisine”, offers us to discover dishes that take us on a journey to this beautiful country for lunch or dinner.

thai basil recipe

This cuisine seems very far from the gastronomy that we know and that we have in France. However, this cuisine, too, favors basil for the preparation of recipes. Thai basil is indeed a herb widely used in the cuisine of these countries , as can be the Grand Vert Basil in our cuisine. Thai basil is an aromatic herb whose taste resembles that of a subtle blend of tarragon and anise and is used to enhance many dishes.

When we hear “Thai cuisine”, who doesn't have images of a wok in mind, or think of coconut milk or soy sauce? All these ingredients are indeed very present in this healthy and tasty cuisine. To taste, you too, the delights and this exotic taste, you can try to reproduce different recipes at home. You can bring your wok, and make a succulent beef with Thai basil at home, which we propose to discover the recipe.

Stir-fried beef with Thai basil:

For a preparation for 4 four people, you will need the list of ingredients in these quantities:

  • 500 g of beef
  • 2 medium sized carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 40g ginger
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon chilli puree
  • A drizzle of sesame oil
  • 5 Thai basil leaves

Here is the list of preparation steps:

  • Finely chop the beef and carrots
  • Peel then chop the garlic cloves, onion and ginger
  • Heat a wok and add a drizzle of sesame oil in the bottom
  • Add your beef and carrots to this large wok. Heat it up for quick cooking
  • After 5 minutes of cooking, add the onion, garlic and ginger and continue on a high heat cooking mode
  • Mix the soy sauce with sweet soy sauce in a bowl or ramekin and add the chilli puree to this preparation
  • Incorporate this preparation into your wok
  • Continue cooking over high heat for another minute or two, then, after stopping cooking, add your fresh Thai basil leaves to your preparation.

And that's it, you're done and you can enjoy this wonderful aromatic herb that accompanies all kinds of prepared meat dishes , such as chicken, beef, but which goes just as well with your fish and seafood. Not to mention rice, Asian soups and curry recipes.

organic potted basil But that's not all for basil lovers: the recipes are numerous and promising . There are also many varieties of basil for constantly renewed recipes. Great Green Basil , Basil, Cinnamon, Thai Basil, Lemon Basil, Mammoth Basil, Purple Basil… the list is long and you never get bored with this aromatic herb . It also offers the advantage of having many benefits. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K1, but also rich in fiber and beta-carotene. This composition gives basil a great antioxidant action, which means that this aromatic plant helps prevent cell aging. Basil is therefore not only good and beautiful, it is also healthy and beneficial.

This is enough to make you want to taste it frequently, to benefit all your guests. Basil is indeed also, by its freshness and its delicate flavor, an aromatic herb particularly welcome and convivial in summer . This herb is also healthy and light , and is ideal as an appetizer , as it is present in the classic caprese salad .

To delight your guests as a starter , you can, for example, consider preparing the famous Pesto alla Genovese sauce.

To make this delicious sauce, here is the list of ingredients for four people:

  • 4 bunches of basil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 30g pine nuts
  • 40 g grated parmesan
  • 20 g of pecorino (optional)
  • 5 cl of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt

Once the ingredients are gathered, it will be necessary for the preparation, follow the following list for the steps:

  • Peel the garlic cloves then coarsely chop them
  • Wash and gently dry your basil leaves
  • Add the coarse salt to the basil and place everything in a mortar. Crush with the pestle until the leaves begin to fall apart, gradually taking on a dark green and translucent tint.
  • Add the garlic and pine nuts to your preparation and continue to crush everything for a few minutes
  • Finally add the parmesan, pecorino and a drizzle of olive oil
Basil recipes pesto alla genovese

And voila ! You can now introduce these delicious flavors to all your guests and enjoy them too ! Basil is therefore an aromatic herb that offers many benefits; it is in particular an aromatic plant relatively simple to cultivate. Indeed, this variety is very suitable for growing in pots, and whether you live in an apartment or have a large garden, you can either grow it without problems in this vegetable garden space .

How to grow basil in a pot?

To grow basil in pots and indoors, you need to sow them in light, rich soil or potting soil. Basil requires exposure to the sun for 5 to 6 hours a day . You have to sow the seeds over the entire surface of the pot , then cover with a layer of potting soil and finally tamp the soil. However, you can opt for seeds already sown , as the URBAN CUISINE Cultivation Mound offers. This Motte already contains all the seeds necessary for the growth of the plants and is made in France from vegetable fibers and is optimized in nutrients. Iron, calcium and magnesium are already present in your substrate to guarantee you strong and numerous harvests.

Similarly, Basil seeds are labeled "Organic Agriculture" and of French origin. They allow us to ensure the nutritional and taste qualities of the varieties we grow . Already sown, the seeds offer the additional advantage of not needing potting soil or additional soil. You will thus be able to permanently get rid of the traditional heavy and bulky bag of potting soil to accommodate a compact and fertile Cultivation Ball.

Once the Motte is obtained, it must be hydrated until it covers a dark color. Thus begins the first stage of growth of your plant, called germination. For this step, make sure that the temperature of your home is around 20°C . Similarly, it will be necessary to ensure that the basil soil remains moist during this first sowing period. If the air is very dry, cover your pot with plastic wrap to maintain a good level of humidity.

Another key factor in ensuring the growth of your strain is watering . Then it is necessary to water the basil twice a week , that is, every 3 to 4 days . You should frequently check the humidity level of your pot. When watering, be careful: it is recommended to pour the water on the ground and not directly on the leaves or the stem so as not to weaken them. These few tips observed, you can grow basil at home with ease!

For an even simpler culture, URBAN CUISINE has designed Cork Pots . They are specially designed for cultivation and the indoor vegetable garden . These Cork Pots are made in France from cork oak. You will be able to cultivate your basil in a sober and elegant pot made of a noble material carefully chosen.

For our Pots, we have indeed chosen cork because it is a recyclable, waterproof and waterproof material. It therefore allows growth in pots in ideal and optimal conditions , while being respectful of the environment. Thanks to your pots, you can grow your own aromatic herbs and create an urban vegetable garden that will allow you to always have fresh and organic basil on hand and thus be able to cook with your most delicious recipes!