Arrosage du persil : 3 conseils à suivre

Watering parsley: 3 tips to follow

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 3 min

Parsley information

Persil is an aromatic plant of the family of apiaceae. Also known by his scientific name "Petroselinum", it is a rustic plant, very easy to cultivate.
You can cultivate it as well in garden and interior, directly in your kitchen to flavor your dishes: Flat parsley parsley, Flat parsley velvety, or Mushrooms stuffed with flat parsley. It will also be a way to make your stocks by Vitamin C and K as well as iron.
This aromatic grass is characterized by its green foliage and his yellow flowers, sometimes green during summer flowering.
Parents are sown in spring and can reach a size of 30cm high depending on the variety. Indeed, there are several varieties: the curly parsley which has long stems, the tuberous parsley also called large roots, or the flat parsley which has very long leaves.


Persil maintenance

It is possible to harvest parsley all year indoors, both in house and apartment. To do this, it will be necessary to ensure that the parsley has a good interview And best growth conditions: adequate land, good exposure and regular watering.
The first step for a culture of parsley in the best conditions is to choose the land well. The parsley will need a
light soil, rich in nutrients and well -drained To avoid excess water. Indeed, water should not flood the roots, otherwise it could damage them and make pale the parsley.
The parsley appreciates the sun, so you can choose an exposure to it sunny or in mid-shade.


Urban cooking watering advice

Advice 1: Drizzle regularly after sowing

Before sowing the seeds, it is important to moisten the earth if it is dry. Once you have done the sowing and that you will have covered the seeds with a thin layer of soil, it will be necessary ride. Pour the water gently to prevent the seeds from dispersing. After sowing, watering should be regular so that the seeds can lift. The soil must always be humid. Once the parsley has reached a larger size, you can reduce watering.

Pot or balcony cultivation will require more frequent watering than ground planting in the garden. So water your pot in a pot approximately twice a week.


Note: sow parsley with chives

Parsley is sensitive to carrot flies which could attack its roots and cause a Leaves yellow.
To repel these pests, you can plant the parsley next to the chives which has a repulsive effect.


Tip 2: Frequently watering the earth during winter


Even when it's cold, remember to water your parsley plants well. Indeed, when it is cold, and even if there is no sun, the heating of your house or your apartment can dry the floor of your plants. It is therefore important to good Water your plants in winter To maintain your plantation indoors.

Keep your plants warm even when it's cold:
In order to prevent the earth from drying up or your plant suffers from the cold, cover the parsley plant with a Bell Or by a mini-greenhouse system so that culture can keep humidity.



Tip 3: Watering is essential during hot weather


Even if parsley is a plant that loves the sun, it will however be necessary to do Watch out for hot weather. The parsley, especially the young plants, remains sensitive to drought and it will be necessary to water it as soon as you notice that the earth is dry. However, Sprinkle plants in the morning or in the evening, away from the sun.

Noticed :

You can add a mulch Above the earth to keep the soil moist.

Maintaining your optimal parsley plants with Urban Cuisine


We offer you Flat parsley crop. that you can install in our cork pots or in the Connected interior vegetable garden. With the connected interior vegetable garden, you can simultaneously grow 16 plants among our 20 varieties: Parsley, Mini carrot, Basil Grand Green...


You will no longer need to worry about watering since the one as well as humidity, lighting and ventilation are automated to ensure the best growth conditions for your plants.

For the cultivation of parsley in all ease, you can also choose the Flat chives flat parsley which will repel pests. This is delivered with a layer of clay balls to allow good drainage of the soil to avoid excess water.

Consult all Urban Cuisine Available Advice on the Blog: "How to cultivate the inside pot parsley?", "Chives sowing: how to do ?", "How to freeze parsley?" or "What aromatic plants to plant together?".