Persil et Coriandre : quelle différence ?

Parsley and Coriander: what's the difference?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 3 min

Coriander, also called "Chinese parsley", is an aromatic grass widely used in the kitchen. This second name underlines the confusion that can be done with parsley, aromatic grass of the same family: that of the apiaceae. However, their scientific name is very different: "Coriandrum sativum" for coriander and "Petroselinum crispum" for parsley.

Coriander and parsley, plants that look alike?

Indeed, the two look alike according to the variety. The best known varieties of parsley are curly parsley and flat parsley. The latter is very similar to the cultivated coriander. Indeed, the flat parsley as the coriander has the same green leaves as well as a resembling shape, however each will perfume your dishes with a unique flavor.

What are the common points between these two aromatic plants?

  •  Culture conditions

These two plants require the same cultivation conditions, that is to say a rich, well -drained, and hot soil. However, they fear the hot weather that could raise the coriander in seeds and make the parsley yellow. These aromatic plants can also be cultivated together in your aromatic garden. You can also sow other varieties such as the mint, chives or lemongrass which will also protect your plants from pests thanks to their repellant effect.


  • Sowing and harvesting

Both are sowing in spring And the waiting period for harvest is very similar: 6 to 7 weeks for parsley and 8 weeks for coriander.

  •  The conversation

These two aromatic plants are keep very good at freezer, in a freezing bag or in an oil preparation. However, drying can make them lose part of their flavor.

What are the differences between parsley and coriander?

  • A different cycle

These plants are both part of the family of apiaceae. However, coriander is an annual plant while parsley is a biennial plant. This means that the whole cycle of the coriander, from germination to the rise in seeds, will be done in a year while the cycle will be over a period of two years for parsley. The first year, this aromatic herb will develop beautiful foliage and the seeds will only appear during the second year.

  • Taste and use in cooking

Coriander has A more spicy taste while parsley is more soft. As for their use in the kitchen, the coriander is delicious for the preparation of more spicy sauce such as chicken with coconut milk or tagine but also in salad. It goes particularly well with fish.

The parsley is also used in sauce, or to season vegetables like the potato.

Discover the Urban Cuisine recipes to prepare a dish made from coriander or parsley: Flat chicken with flat parsley, Flat parsley velvety, Cultivated coriander shrimp or Aubergine caviar with cultivated coriander.

  • The parts to consume

Coriander is also cultivated for its seeds, she goes up very quickly in seeds. The seeds also add a spicy taste and perfectly season the salad. For parsley, only The stems and leaves consume.

Also, coriander leaves should be consumed fresh while the parsley can be cooked.


  •  Flowers

Those of the parsley are yellow and green while those of the coriander are white.

  •  The smell

Like taste, coriander has a stronger smell that parsley. The name of the coriander also comes from the Greek "Koris" which means bug.

  • Different nutritional contributions

The two plants have contributions in Vitamins A, C and K. However, parsley has a antioxidant effect Thanks to its contribution in flavonoids, luteoline and apigenin. Coriander is rich in dietary fiber and in minerals.

Watch out for transplanting:

THE Coriander sowing will have to be done in a wide pot because this aromatic grass does not like to be transplanted. For parsley, you can transplant it in a larger container.


How to distinguish them?

Parsley has a foliage darker and coriander leaves are more rounded. If you still have doubts, you can trust their smell. That of coriander is stronger while that of parsley is softer.

So, although these two aromatic herbs are very similar, they are far from the same. They are both exquisite and each bring a unique flavor to our great pleasure.



Cultivate coriander and parsley with Urban Cuisine


You can use them in the same recipe for a dish full of flavors. Urban Cuisine invites you to cultivate these two plants together thanks to the Connected interior vegetable garden With other varieties of your choice among our 20 organic varieties.

These varieties are already sown in our crop cloties which are made up of vegetable fibers which contain all the nutrients necessary for the growth of your plants. Discover for example our flat parsley crop in its cork pot, 100% French for an easy culture!



You can also consult all the Urban Cuisine tips on the maintenance of your aromatic herbs, fruits and vegetables: "Handmade sowing: how to do it?", "Cultivated coriander: our maintenance advice" or "How to plant and sow parsley outdoors? Tips and tricks".