Quelles plantes aromatiques planter ensemble ?

Which aromatic plants to plant together?

Written by: Stagiaire UC



Time to read 7 min

Each aromatic plant has specific needs

THE aromatic plants are generally used in the kitchen for the aromas they give off, and the tastes they allow you to give even to the simplest recipes.

Each aromatic grass is cultivated according to different needs, mainly in water and light but the characteristics of the leaves, stems, bulbs, roots, seeds And flowers are also to be taken into account.

The plants ofaromatic herbs require little space to push and have no complicated requirements for the soil in which they will develop, which facilitates their growth and their culture, even in small spaces!

Their plantation can be done in a garden (inside or outside), on a balcony or also in a planter, on a window or indoor edge on a kitchen plan for example. Whether in an outdoor vegetable garden or in a kitchen vegetable patch, it is easy to succeed in planting with good advice!

Aromatic herbs need light and water, but do not need a lot of maintenance, it is for this reason that they are easily accessible to beginner gardeners and to all those who would not have hand green!

There are several varieties of aromatic plants:

Aromatic herbs that can be planted together

We think that aromatic plants are all the same ... This is not the case!

In a vegetable garden or a planter, aromatic plants must be cohabited that have the same maintenance, soil and watering requirements. Shadow or sun, fresh or dry earth, the choice of species to plant is not the same.

It is therefore recommended to carry out certain associations:

  • In the sun in a well -drained soil that dries easily, sow or plant thyme, THE rosemary and Sariette.
  • In the sun in a soil that remains fresh, sow or plant thechive, there coriander And tarragon.
  • Half shadow in a soil that remains fresh, sow or plant Cherre, the parsley, tarragon and perpetual celery.

THE thyme, rosemary, sage and all Herbs Mediterranean need an exposure in full sun and a perfectly drained, including dry and poor soil. While basil, chives and tarragon also appreciate the sun (they however support partial shade), but require a fresher soil. Parsley and chervil are cultivated in mid-shade in fresh soil; Mint too, but it is more accommodating and supports any type of exhibitions.

Here is the list of plants that must imperatively remain isolated so as not to bother too much:

  • There mint Because this plant invades everything and moreover, if you let it flour, it rehasides everywhere.
  • Sage which secretes substances in the soil and therefore prevent the development of other aromatic plants.
  • THEbasil Because it needs a specific substrate, its roots must remain damp and the leaves in the sun. However, basil can be planted with plants such as tomato

The advantages of aromatic plants in pots

The aromatic plants that have been talked about so far, are cultivated and grow easily in a pot. The choice depends mainly on the exposure conditions you can offer them. Be sure to have a draining layer at the bottom of each pot (clay balls for example), especially for Mediterranean herbs.

When they are cultivated in a pot, the aromatic herbs are pleasant to look at, they can be moved easily depending on the sun. Aromatic herbs in pot has the advantage of always being at hand. Another advantage of aromatic herbs in a pot: they don't take up much space. Even if you only have a small garden or balcony, you always have room to install a few pots. If you do not have a sufficient space on the floor, you can opt for example for planters to be fixed to the wall. A Vertical vegetable garden in his apartment is a solution when you lack space. Such Aromatic garden on your terrace Or your balcony You also offer you intoxicating scents and creates a pleasant environment!

Urban Cuisine's cork jars are made in France from oak-cork harvested in France, they allow you to grow a set of aromatic fruits, vegetables or herbs. In this way you can make a interior vegetable garden Easy to maintain that will give you access to organic and fresh products all year round. Two tips for using pots: water the soil of each clod well so that they are wet when touching them and install the cork jars preferably indoors with a natural source of light.

We now offer the varieties of aromatic herbs from our start-up. Advice not only for the planting of each aromatic grass, but also for their maintenance.

Our varieties of aromatic plants:

Potch chives

Chives is an aromatic grass that can be used as a condiment thanks to its stems. It is best to eat it raw because cooking kills all its flavor. The ideal temperature for chives is 15 °. During the germination phase, it is important not to plant and Cultivate chives In full sun because too sensitive to its rays. The earth in which the chives seeds are found should always be wet. While during its adult phase, it can be exposed to the sun. On the other hand, once adult, the chives no longer like humidity, watering should be done exclusively when the clod becomes dry. The first shoot will appear between 8 and 12 days, the first leaves after 1 month. Advice To give you: cut the flowers as soon as they start to appear, so as to stimulate the growth of the plant.

Our crop clod

Common chives

  • 600 grams of crops
  • 15 days from germination to harvest
  • Strands storage for 1 year

100% French and organic

Mint in pots

There mint Can be consumed in infusions and also in dishes. There Ideal temperature for green mint is 18 °. It is important to plant and cultivate green mint in a location in the shade because it likes the sun but in moderation.

Mint also needs freshness and humidity. The earth must always remain wet, especially in the germination phase.

The first shoot will appear after 15 days. It is important to harvest your leaves in the morning because the flavor of this plant will be much more intense than usual. Finally, you should know that mint lives several years in a row. If you want to revive its growth, it is advisable to cut all the stems after a year of harvest.

Basil in pots

THE basil is a frequent and known aromatic plant thanks to Italian cuisine, it is essential in your vegetable garden. This aromatic plant needs a lot of love. To plant it and cultivate it in good conditions, basil must receive a lot of water and sun!

His first shoots will appear After 8-10 days, everything will depend on the light and the sun that the basil will have received.

The earth must Always stay wet during the sowing period. As soon as the first stems appear, watering can be spaced. You can water your plant twice a week. It is very important to pour the water exclusively on the clod and not on the leaves, the plant feeds through its roots!

Light must always be present. During the growth phase, basil must be exposed to the sun several hours a day. Basil harvest must be done just before the flowers appear, this is when the leaves are cooler. More than a third of the leaves should never be picked because the basil could weaken. You have to pick exclusively the leaves you need!

There coriander pot

There coriander is very appreciated because we find its leaves in many dishes of different origins. The optimal temperature for coriander is 22 °.

This plant needs a lot of sun, nevertheless remaining sheltered from the wind.

The earth must always remain wet, water it should be regularly with water at room temperature. When the plant of coriander Reached 4 cm, pinch the rod to encourage the plant to branch! Above all, avoid moving the plant too often because it stresses and prevents growth.

The pot in a pot

THE parsley dish is an aromatic herb that is found a lot in the kitchen (salad or sauce). This plant is also used for its contribution by vitamin C, indeed it contains more than lemon or kiwi!

There ideal temperature for flat parsley is 22 °. The flat parsley loves the sun! During the germination phase, a lower temperature equivalent to 15 ° will be perfect. It is also necessary to maintain the damp earth with regular watering. During the adult phase, the flat parsley needs little maintenance, moreover an occasional watering will be largely sufficient.

Hoping that this article can be useful to you, we advise you to visit our website, more specifically, our articles to learn to Use aromatic herbs and each variety.

Perennial aromatic plants, which offer the advantage of living for several years. Some lose their foliage in winter (like chives and tarragon for example), others have evergreen foliage and are perfect for winter (the thyme, rosemary and sage) since they can be consumed at all seasons!

In the list of perennial aromatic plants we therefore find:

  • there chive
  • there mint
  • tarragon
  • oregano
  • sorrel
  • Sariette

    Annual aromatic plants such as the basil and the coriander, live only one season. Each year they must be sown or planted again. THE parsley Or the chervil, on the other hand, are biennial aromatic plants, which are cultivated over two years and then disappear.

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